Saturday, November 30, 2013

‘Tis the Season for Increased Depression Fa la la la la, la la la la…

Wow time flies when you’re having “fun” – There is snow on the ground (not sure for how much longer, yay Chinooks), the air is crisp…ish, and everywhere you go some marketer is ramming the “holidays” down your throat.

What does all this wondrous time have to do with the evil darkness of depression? Well kids… stress – strain – fear – money – family – preparation – and all that is what “healthy” people go through – NOW -let’s take all of those throw them into a blender, mix on high for 5 minutes; now pour the mess into a pan, put said pan on the stove and crank the heat; now add a little anguish, a pinch of terror, and a drop or two of tears, and let boil for 20 minutes…

What you have there is the “unhealthy” person’s perceptions of themselves and the festivities. “Healthy” person singing along to Christmas Music, while decorating the tree; “Unhealthy” person hiding in a darkened room, tears rolling down their cheek; “Healthy” person enjoying the hustle and bustle of Christmas Dinner, with friends and family; “Unhealthy” person taking moments to escape the festivities to cry. If you could read their mind you would be crushed by the self loathing, the pain and the pure sorrow. So awful that, perhaps only in that moment, they want to die - I know this as I have been there.

I wish I could give people a glance into my head (ha, ha, ha – please insert “empty” jokes here, and then stop J) since I can’t I try and explain it to them, but I am unable to find the words – it’s just chaos…  

Anyway, back to the holidays: if you know someone suffering from mental illness, check up on them – see how they are doing, and ask if they need any help. They will be going through their own personal hell; some due to the lack of money, some the lack of people in their lives, some just need the ear of a friend to help ease the pain, some will be lost (let’s keep that number down). Obviously some will be resistant to accept the help, but maybe your act of kindness will be enough to give them a little hope.

Happy Pre Pre Pre Holidays

Until next time Blogonians [blawg-awn-ee-uh n]s...


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