Thursday, April 12, 2012

10 F'ing feet of snow, hello Spring in Calgary... fine only 10+ cm, but still gross!

Outside my house

So much snow... this was not supposed to be one of the topics of my post. I should be posting about budding leaves, or pretty Spring flowers, not more damn snow. But here we are talking about more damn snow. J There is a lot of it. It will hopefully all melt tomorrow. End of snow story... J

Today was a long day - my son and I were up very late last night talking, which is awesome in the sense that he feels comfortable talking to me, I just wish we had started earlier. So this morning when I went to my pdoc I was pretty groggy. Still all and all a productive appointment, he has nicely decided I will be getting two treatments per week for the next four weeks to see if we can get me back on track. He also increased my new medication Saphris (aka Asenapine) to 15 mg. We have another 5 mg that we could increase to if necessary. He is still very concerned with my terrible sleep, as am I... but honestly I don't feel like we are ever going to figure it out. Sleep studies, changing sleep hygiene, none of it seems to work. Even the sleeping medications are not that effective. In Canada I have really only had the chance to work with Zopiclone, but when I was in the States for the Ketamine trial I was afforded the opportunity to try several different sleeping aids with the same and sometimes worse outcome. With any of the sleeping medications I get four hours (if I am lucky) of straight sleep, and then a few hours of very broken sleep (10 minutes here, 10 minutes there). And sadly with Zopiclone the longer I take it the less effective it becomes, until I have to increase the dosage to an unhealthy level. I have reached the max dose at 15mg that is one of the reasons for increasing the Asenapine.

I still haven't typed out my two new scripts yet. I was so distraught last night, after thinking they were way too short, and then that went to thinking they were terrible, and then that went to I am terrible and blah that went to the ever evil dark place of I shouldn't be alive. So I think for tonight I will just ignore the scripts and type them out tomorrow, when the sun is shining and the snow has melted. Hopefully a beautiful day will bring beautiful thoughts. Why do I have to be so dramatic - such an artist - with no artistic skills J I have the poor part of being a screenwriter down, now I just need the talent. J Oh I'm on a soul crushing roll....

Perhaps before any other negative crap can spill onto the page I will call it a night.

Like I always say... Ya I have nothing I always say. Boom enough Dan genius for one night!

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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