Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dexedrine or stupidity? Not sure which kept me focused/driven/perhaps obsessed on two projects this week...

I have spent probably a total of 30 to 40 hours, in blocks of 5 to 9 hours, trying to get my son's new phone to connect to our PC (never did get it to work) and the other obsession of the week researching/gathering information on rTMS in preparation of creating two items; 1)a form letter for people to send the government to encourage the coverage of rTMS, and  2)a Facebook page dedicated to recruit support to include rTMS under the Alberta Health Insurance Plan (and perhaps if the message gets out there it could help other provinces and states), as well it can perhaps help in educating people about rTMS.

Anyway, I feel like I wasted a lot of time, as I don't seem to have anything to show for all of my dedication - We even missed supper one night, I didn't realize what time it was until well after 10pm. I still haven't spent any time thinking about how to format this weekly blog??? So I will be lazy and just do it in a day by day format.  Just like I entered it into my handwritten journal... Boring I know...

Monday, September 24, 2012 - This the first day of my sons rTMS treatments. However, I started the day very early to have my own rTMS treatment, then came home had my breakfast, tea, and medications and waited to take my son for his treatment (it was scheduled for 1pm). So we arrived on time, but had to wait a bit - they were running a little behind. Finally they took my son in. I asked if I could watch, but he said no so I sat in the waiting room feeling a little angry/hurt/ and pouty. Shortly after they went in the nurse/doc (let's call her Dr S) that gives me my treatments, came out and asked if I wanted to come in. They talked my son into letting me come in and watch the process of setting him up for the treatments. At this stage prior to administering the treatment they must take all the measurements required to find the proper location for the treatment to be delivered, once the measurements are taken and the cap is mapped (you get to wear a lovely swim cap that they draw lines and dots all over as their means of guiding the paddle), they set to determining his threshold by stimulating a spot on his left hemisphere, just back from the actual treatment spot (by stimulating this area his thumb will twitch, the intensity of the twitch determines the strength of the stimulation level - they are looking for a slight movement) the actual rTMS treatment level will be the threshold stimulation level times 110%. This is all stuff I have had done to me several times, but I have never been able to observe. Thankfully Dr S and Dr N convinced my son to let me watch that part since like I said I have never had the opportunity. It was very interesting to see. With him measured and the threshold set (I believe his threshold was around 50 something, mine is around 80 - mine has always been pretty high, I think originally when I started about 2 years ago it was in the mid 60's) I left the room so his treatments could begin. I was very excited that he had this opportunity, and for whatever reason a little nervous (typical Dan). They also told me that some studies show that the younger the person is, the quicker and more dramatic the results, as their brains are presumably more malleable.  (Here is hoping that is true.) After the treatment all my son said was that it hurt like hell, and his face twitched all the way from his eyebrow to his jaw during each train. I assured him that his future treatments would be less painful and the twitching will vary (possibly each time) based on the angle of the paddle.  Even the slightest change in angle can be enough to hit a facial nerve - it's nothing bad just annoying. We went home and each headed off to do our own things, me upstairs him down stairs. He didn't complain about the rTMS making him tired like it does me. I find it very interesting how everyone's reaction is so different when it comes to medication/treatments that affect the brain. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening trying to convince our PC and my son's new phone to connect to each other. I literally spent 6 or 7 hours doing anything and everything under the sun. I researched the problem on the internet, I did a chat with Samsung (the manufacturer of the phone) online, and I also called and spoke with a technician from Samsung directly, still nothing... When I finally realized what time it was, we had even missed supper, I finally gave up and went to bed. We decided we would try again tomorrow, and if it didn't work we would call Samsung again.

Tuesday September 25, 2012 - My son's second rTMS treatment, at 8 in the f%$king morning. UGH. I had to get up at 6:45am - those of you that know me, or perhaps even those of you that don't but have been reading this blog, know that I am far from a morning person. A fact that is not helped by the little bit of sleep I get each night. The pdocs, and many other people, don't seem to get the fact that because my sleep is so broken the longer I spend in bed the more opportunity I have to get a little bit more sleep... Whether right or wrong, it's all I got until someone figures out why I can't sleep. Anyway, exhausted or not I ate my toast, had my tea and pills, then we headed off to the pdoc's office. My son said the treatment went well, and was less painful but he still had the facial twitching. Then I took him to school, and I headed to help my friend. I should note that my son and I had a little tiff when I dropped him at school. The deal has been that he would stay for the morning, attending both of his classes, but this morning he was bound and determined to leave after one class. I am like no way, he was like whatever. I was, in my mind, f$#@ this shit, and headed off. My son sent me a text later around noon, when his classes were done that he was still at school and would be running late, and that he would text me when he was leaving. I was very excited that he had stayed the whole morning. Maybe an hour or so later, he sent the text he was leaving, so I left my friends house and met my son at the LRT station near my friend's home. When I picked him up he explained that he was late, because he stayed to attend a club (not sure what it is called - but it's a group of students that enjoy playing music and they jam together). I was flabbergasted, in a good way. The reason we met at the LRT station was that he wanted to go to Axe Music to get an electrical adapter for the new guitar peddle he got for his birthday.  (For some reason I got to buy the adapter. I know lucky me... hmmm) Then we headed home, both of us exhausted. When I got home I tried again to fix the connection between my son's phone and the PC. I did this again for hours and hours. This time I realized we needed supper (but it wasn't until 7pm when this happened). Time flies when you are focused on a frustrating task, plus with the Dexedrine I really don't care if I eat or not - plus I feel nauseous when I even think about food. Still we grabbed some McDonald's, and I forced myself to eat a few fries and part of a chicken burger. After we ate I washed some clothes, and towels. Following that exciting adventure I went to bed, beyond exhausted. I think I fell asleep around 10:30 or 11pm, but sadly woke up at 1:30am, wide awake. Wow 2 hours of sleep, it felt like hours had passed since I had fallen asleep, but ya not so much. I still felt exhausted, but not sleepy. So I popped my Zopiclone (I hadn't taken yet), and eventually I passed out. Shortly after finally nodding off, I got to enjoy my usual cycle of waking up, falling back asleep, waking up, over and over again - but when my alarm went off at 6:45am, I was like WTF...

Wednesday September 26, 2012 - Another early start, as mentioned the nasty disturbance of the alarm clock at 6:45am - I then got to yell at my son to get up - then I showered - got to yell at my son to get up - ate my breakfast - got to yell at my son to get up (by yell I mean text J). Then with both of us finally ready, we headed off for his third rTMS treatment. We were a couple of minutes late, thanks to someone not getting up when they should have, but the rTMS folks were fine. They asked how my son was doing, and he actually said he was starting to feel a little bit of a change. We also chatted with Dr N and Dr S about the story we saw on the news last night. The story that was on all the local media was an announcement from the Alberta Children's Hospital about a new study they were starting on the effects of rTMS on depression in adolescence (12 and 21 years old). When I watched it I was like, why the f&*$ didn't you people announce this last week? Had they done that perhaps my son could have enrolled in the study, and saved us a crap load of money. However, there are a couple of things that would concern me about him receiving it through the study; I have no idea what protocol they are following - which I know from experience is crucial (meaning both frequency, and duration of pulses and the number of trains), as well what protocol will they follow for the number of treatments (will they be using the standard 20 to 30 days in a row, at 5 days per week for the initial treatment). Another issue would be whether not this was a placebo-controlled study, with the possibility of my son getting a sham treatment.  Not only would that be a waste of our time, but more seriously it would be putting my son's life in danger by waiting. So even though Dr N went out of his way and called my son's pdoc directly to let her know about the study, and asked her if she would prefer to try getting my son into the study; we (my son and I) decided it would be better to stick with what we know.  After all I have trained these people, plus I guess the fact that they garnered such a great education from their Harvard studies, whatever J.  Success and the ability to get my son out of danger are far more important than the money. I handed over the cheque for my son's treatment, without any bad feelings. They nicely let me pay by cheque, it's not their normal practise - generally only debit or credit card (neither of which I have the limit to use for this purchase - I never asked about cash J). When the treatment was finished, I took my son to school, and headed to my friend's house. She sadly stayed in bed till I almost had to leave, so I had to find something to do... I decided to do a comparison of the Petroleum Land Administration courses/programs offered by SAIT, University of Calgary, and Mount Royal University.  Through this comparison, and the table of information I created, including course description, duration, and cost, I was able to determine that SAIT would be my number one choice. Although it was more expensive then my second choice, all of SAIT's courses can be done online, as well once completed you receive a certificate, and there are only 6 courses which is fewer than the other institutions (therefore quicker results). They also make things easier by including everything within the price, no hunting for text books. The second choice Mount Royal University is the cheapest, but all of the courses are in the evening. This part time structure would drag out the completion of the program to over a year. There are also 4 prerequisite courses, plus 5 core courses required to complete the program. It also appears there is no designation once you complete the program. The third choice (not really a choice at all) is the University of Calgary. It would be the most expensive (although I could not get a definitive price), but since it is actually a Bachelor of Commerce Degree with a concentration in Petroleum Land Management, a four year program, it would obviously come with the price tag to match. No thanks. Not looking to spend four years in school for this. I just want a little knowledge about the Oil and Gas business to better help my friend. Then I met my son at home - he was playing his drums when I arrived. He seems to be doing better, not sure if it's the rTMS or some success from the Vyvance. I guess it could be a combination. He stole my computer shortly after my arrival, so I had an early night. I have been feeling so crappy - between the lack of sleep and the Dexedrine hangover at the end of each day that I went to bed just after 9pm. I realized I hadn't spoken to my mom yet that day, so I gave her a quick call. After our conversation I decided to watch some stuff on my iPad, and although I was so exhausted and I had taken my usual sleeping pill regimen - I didn't fall asleep until well after midnight. F$#%.

Thursday September 27, 2012 - We started the day off like we have every day this week - except today we got to sleep an extra half hour, his appointment wasn't until 8:30am. This day my pdoc (Dr M) was the one giving my son his rTMS treatment. Dr M must have done an OK job, as my son didn't have any complaints. I then took my son to school, and headed off to my friend's house. Again my friend wasn't available right away (she was still in bed - she is worse than a teenager J), so I decided to Google one of her companies to see what kind of info was out there. Almost all of the sites/listings were either completely wrong, or at least contained some wrong information (mostly the mailing address). So I made a list, including links and documented all of the errors. I am not sure when we will start the process of correcting everything, as she is in the starting process of having a new website built - I would rather have that link, when I contact people to update their sites. I found, what looks like a great, local company to create and build her site. She has had some bad luck with small companies and individuals, so I suggested the use of a company that has demonstrated successful results. Not sure how long this process will be, but hopefully not too slow.  I left there, and picked my son up from the LRT station that is 'deemed' the closest one to our house. We headed to get our prescriptions, and get some food... ugh food. Still not eating much, thank you Dexedrine - still losing weight, which is awesome- but the feeling nauseous often is starting to suck - still I will take the losing weight and the help it provides in making my IBS better, even with the all the bad things it does. Again, I barely ate anything. I think the waitress thought I didn't like the food. So I got a doggy bag, we headed to get the drugs and then home. Man every night coming down/hangover from Dexedrine is a horrible experience. Like I mentioned above I start to feel nauseous, dry mouth, and then my throat feels like it's closing up (which freaks me out), and then my chest starts to hurt - which freaks me out more and a think I am going to die. Then sometimes I will get this ache and numbness in my arm (usually my left), which sends me over the edge of freaking out thinking I am having a heart attack - which is obviously stupid, cause I am still here and this has happened many times now, pretty much daily - in any case the panic continues. I start to find it hard to breath, which leads to more anxiety that makes me start to get hot (like a fever), and sweating at a terrible rate. So there I am dying of a heart attack, and all I want to do is go to bed take meds and pass out. Some people (not mentioning any names) get upset with me when I don't want to talk, or sing in the car, or what have you, but I feel like shit when all this is happening. Sometimes these obvious panic attacks happen when I am out in public, at events, or even just at the store. I am not sure if they are being exacerbated by the Dexedrine, or just my usual shit. Either way like I said when it's happening, I just want to go to bed. Pop my sleeping pills and sleep it off! At least I have no 'cravings or desires' to pop another Dexedrine to stop the withdrawal process - not yet anyway... yikes. It kind of sucks, like I mentioned, there have been some positive things that Dexedrine has given me. People say I am different, in a good way, since I started taking Dexedrine. More focused, more calm, easier to talk to, and a better memory (retaining more). I personally do not see any of this, but as usual the person experiencing the change is usually the last to notice. Then there are of course the other things like the decreased appetite and the incredible change in my IBS. Since starting the Dexedrine I have lost around 8 or 9lbs (over about 3 weeks), giving me a total loss of around 24lbs over the last couple of months - thanks in part to coming off that stupid medication (the name escapes me) that caused an increase in my appetite with little to no benefits. So only about 600lbs to go... Maybe not quite, but maybe another 36 or so pounds would make me happy - perhaps I should add exercise to this new found eating less, or maybe not...

Friday September 28, 2012 - Once again we started early, and headed for my son's 5th rTMS treatment, the end of his first week of treatments - wow time flies... Don't tell anyone, but out of complete exhaustion and laziness I let him skip school (I know I am a terrible parent). So we came home, and we both went back to bed. He slept. I, on the other hand, did not. Instead I wasted the day watching my iPad. I finally got up, and this is when I started the obsessive research into rTMS, (I have done copious of research in the past, but it has been a while). As mentioned the gathering of new or additional information is to assist with the creation of the form letter for ALL of you to send the government to force them to include rTMS under the Alberta Health Insurance Plan, and also as mentioned the potential Facebook page dedicated to force/encourage/promote governments and insurance companies to cover rTMS. This new researching escapade has been the latest obsession to take over my life (although I did take a moment to cook a roast, which I served with potatoes, gravy, and broccoli). Through this research I am trying to do a price comparison and availability of all the different companies/doctors around the world that offer rTMS. Sadly most do not post their prices. I have also tried to hit every 'Mental Health Support' website to see if there was any chatter about rTMS or other potential treatments.  Only to discover that not only to they not mention any treatments, they don't even talk about drug options or provide even resources for such info (I think this is a big mistake on their part)... I spent well over 9 hours searching, copying and pasting, following this link to that, reading this report and that published paper, and even checking out health insurance companies and government sites and their evaluation/classification of rTMS... and still I have millions more sites to look at.  Anyway, I finally went to bed around 2am, which put me to sleep somewhere in the neighbourhood of 4am.

Saturday September 29/12 - We slept in (not as late as I had hoped), but 11:30am is still way better than 6:45am. I had my toast, but this day I changed out the tea for coffee. Then I stupidly sat down again with the computer, and continued my rTMS research. I once again was consumed by one website after another, almost forgetting to make supper (something I wouldn't worry about missing except I need to feed my son, and I guess I should eat a little something). I also realized too late that I forgot to take one of my IBS medications, and my second dose of Dexedrine. It was too late in the day to take either of them, so I figured I should prepare for a terrible evening. I must say that the Dexedrine hangover still happened around the same time it does every day, but a little less severe. This interesting outcome has prompted me to try taking only one Dexedrine at my second dose time of the day, and see what happens. Perhaps needless to say my stomach was not happy about me missing either or both of those pills. I got to enjoy the usual IBS pains that I have been free of since starting the Dexedrine, ugh. My son, when I saw him for a brief moment, told me he felt strange. He wasn't sure if it was due to not having a treatment that day, or something else. I personally do not remember if I did, or didn't have any issues on the weekend following my first week of rTMS.  I continued with the research. I still have millions of websites to investigate. Each new one I find seems to have another link or two to new ones. There are zillions of Mental Health support websites, some of which seem to have been untouched for many years and others that are obviously just about collecting government money to write reports for 'strategies/policies/etc'.  Pretty much doing nothing, but wasting money that could be going to actual mental health initiatives. I definitely have a lot of information, and will have to do a lot of editing and soul searching in determining what to include or exclude from the Facebook page and the letter. Something I did discover, and wish I had before I sent my letters to the government, is the fact that so far rTMS hasn't been covered by government or medical insurance companies simply because 'they' have deemed the treatment as 'experimental'. Why is it that even though Health Canada gave approval to use rTMS for the treatment of depression in 2002, and the United States FDA gave it the same approval in 2008, they still deem it 'experimental'? I will tell you why - to save them from spending money. How do they rationalize this determination?  They are only basing their classification on OLD studies/trials. I am talking studies done from 1999 to around 2002-04. They have not re-evaluated their classification of rTMS treatments even though there are numerous new studies. The old studies were deemed to be inconclusive on whether rTMS demonstrated any benefit. We know the technology has seen advances since then, as has the techniques used to administer the treatment, and so has the understanding of what the process is doing to the brain. So I searched and search to find new studies - the NIH (National Institutes of Health), the go to organization for research, has, (over an undefined amount of time their site doesn't say when the first trial was or how long they keep the trials listed on their site) conducted over 230 clinical trials of rTMS. At this time out of those 230+ clinical trials there are 111 active trials going on right now. Although these studies are done through NIH, they are taking place all over the world. One of the new problems I have discovered, through my research, is that scientists and doctors discovering how versatile rTMS is, plus the fact it is so safe with little to no side effects and great benefits, they are starting to test it on numerous other illnesses. This has fractured the trials, and I am guessing availability of funding. Where before, most if not all rTMS trials were in relation to depression, now a large percentage of the current trials are spread over several ailments including;  it's assistance in helping to quit smoking, Autism, pain management, assisting stroke victims, etc... When I entered this day into my journal it was 9pm and I just wanted to go to bed - but another part of me wanted to turn my computer back on and continue the research - but that would have been foolish... The Dexedrine hangover was starting to really kick in; (it started at around 2 or 3pm, but was really getting worse at this time), feeling tired (exhausted), weird feeling in my chest, dry mouth, Phlegm build up in the back of my throat, and a kind of headache (not really a full headache, but something) - although thankfully not as nauseous as usual (I am guessing because I missed my second dose of Dexedrine), and my stomach killing me. I just wanted to go to bed, so I did - BUT - sadly I started doing rTMS research on my iPad until 2am - I just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer - thank you drugs...

Sunday September 30, 2012 - Blog day - once again I didn't work on my blog at all through the week, except for writing daily in my journal... so here I sit at 4:30pm. I have been writing since just after 12pm (and I am not done yet - I still have to proof read, and edit, then post and find pictures - at least another couple of hours)... I just wish I would work on it, even just every second day. It would make the Sunday post a lot less painful.  I started the day at 11am, trying not to sleep in too late, so I can get to bed at a half decent time tonight. I had my meds, coffee, toast and then I started this - I haven't even showered that's not the grossest part - I didn't shower yesterday either....ewww. I hate not showering, but I do like taking a break from routine. When I finish this blog entry I really should get to work on that letter, and the Facebook page, ugh. (But I still need to figure out supper, and desperately need a shower.) The letter would probably be the easiest to finish, of course that may be incorrect as I need to edit all of that information into a short but informative document... Ugh again... I did remember my Colestid this morning and I shall now go take my second dose of Dexedrine (testing the new one pill theory, which I did). Let's see what happens (I'm still feeling the hangover effects, which could be I should have taken the pill a little bit earlier or since I reduced it my body still hungers for the larger dose - no idea)... Alright that is my week, not overly exciting, but it is what it is - I feel less than fulfilled, but moving on... (I finally finished editing (only one read over, so ignore all of the bad grammar and any other errors) at 6:54pm - I still haven't posted or found and placed pictures. Finally ready to post, pictures placed 7:32pm - writing for around 7 hours. What the hell?)

Talk to y'all next week... 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Time; it can be good, it can be fun, it can feel real slow, or speed past you like a bullet train. Time can be your friend, or your worst enemy. What time cannot be is stopped, no matter how hard we may try. Time will always slip by…

Here we are another week gone without any great achievements on my part, no great successes, and I guess to be thankful, no complete and utter failures either. I, again, am unsure how to structure this new weekly blog, but again for this week I will primarily group it based on the day of the week.

I must first mention how much I think I hate Dexedrine, although I am not completely sure if it is the drug, or some immune issue I have going. I still feel like I am on the verge of a cold, but one that never quite takes hold. Sore throat, feeling lethargic, slight cough, all of which get a little worse than almost appear to be gone then are suddenly back. It's tiresome, and not at all pleasurable. BUT I have lost around 8lbs over the past two weeks, so that part is almost worth all of the pain and suffering (I have now lost about 22 or 23lbs over the past two months - once I got off of those stupid weight causing mental health medications.) I am sure there will be more mention of this, as I go through the journal I keep daily for this weekly blog adventure…

Monday Sept 17/12 - I started off the week going to see my pdoc, my first 'real' appointment with him in forever.  I see him at some of my rTMS treatment appointments, but not always and he has been away several times over the summer. It was an early appointment, too early for me. I keep trying to explain to them that I am barely functioning in the morning thanks to no sleep, but whatever. I tried to do my best in bringing him up to speed. We discussed the Dexedrine. He figured we would increase the dose to 30mgs in the morning and 20mgs in the afternoon, then in a week up it to 40mgs in the morning and still doing the 20mgs in the afternoon. He was also thinking that we may do this for a week or two and look at trying Ritalin for the heck of it. Which I am fine with doing, might as well see what each of them have to offer… This pdoc appointment was followed by an rTMS treatment, prior to which my pdoc announced we were going down to one rTMS treatment per week. I was not thrilled to hear that, but knew it was coming. Reality is, if I have to start paying for my own treatments come January - there is no way I can afford weekly treatments, let alone the two one week, one the next week schedule we were doing. Worst case scenario I can't afford to go anymore and I end my life, best case scenario I can afford once per month and live in the shadow of suicide for my remaining years - Great… not really. I also tried at that point to get my son an appointment for an assessment with Dr N, but found out he books his own appointments, so they would get him to call me… Fine I guess… When I finally got home I was exhausted and still feeling 'sick', so I went back to bed. That evening we went and did our monthly Wal-Mart supply stock up. A great place to get all those household and personal hygiene items that cost way more at grocery stores… It wasn't even too crowded, and several cashiers were open - was it really a Wal-Mart, I believe it was at least according to the side of the plastic bags….. J

Tuesday Sept 18/12 - I took my son to school in the morning, and headed over to my friend's to help her out… It was a pretty average day. I did some banking, picked up some medications; then picked up my son from the LRT station and we went and got the early birthday present I got him (well he ordered it, I paid) - it was a video game of course (Borderland II for those in the know). We went home and I did nothing (shocker I know). Although that evening I did venture into the real world, and went to my son's School Council meeting, of which I am on the Executive as the Past President. I basically missed every meeting last year, due to all the shit mentioned on this blog site. I feel bad for that and was hoping that since there are only two meetings left with me on the Executive I need to attend them. It was nerve racking. I kept having panic attacks; sweating, increased heart rate, hard to breath, all the usuals - figured I was having a heart attack (not sure why I always go to the heart attack thing, but as soon as a panic attack kicks in boom I think I am having a heart attack…) Anyway, I survived it, and it was great to be interacting with people, even if it was scary. I got home pretty late, and then realized I needed to do laundry, which made for an even later night…

Wednesday Sept 19/12 - I started the day taking my son to his follow up appointment at the Children's Hospital for his concussion (the last time he will be allowed to go to the Children's Hospital, as he is turning 18 tomorrow (Sept 20) L). We got there a bit early, only to find out that they have no such appointment scheduled. They couldn't figure out why they would even make such an appointment with us, because there was no anticipated follow up. I am like what, there was an appointment scheduled for the beginning of August that I had to cancel because my son was in the hospital, and the lady on the other end said I shouldn't cancel it I should reschedule it. I said I wasn't sure when he would be getting out of the hospital, she said that shouldn't matter, as their next available appointment wasn't until late September. She said appointments fill up fast, so I really should just book it anyway - so I did… ugh Anyway, he is feeling much better, so we said f$%# it and left. I took him for a quick McDonald's breakfast (which I sadly did not partake, as Dexedrine makes me not only feel full and not want to eat, but also the thought of food makes me nauseous - even just writing this and thinking about food I want to hurl), then I took him to school. I went off to help my friend - I took her for blood work, and to the bank. She took us (her live-in nurse/maid person, and me) to lunch. It was so nice out, so we sat on the patio at Earls and enjoyed some sunshine and conversation. I know right the patio in Canada in September - what??? Then back at her house I helped her with some business stuff, and preparing some documents for mailing. (Not very exciting, but it needed to be done.) In trying to prepare said documents, we discovered that one was missing. I didn't think we would ever find it, and the document needed to go out for overnight delivery. So I was way late leaving her house, but at least I found the paper. I eventually went and picked up my son from his pdoc appointment (thankfully he was running late too) and headed off to mail the documents. We also had to stop off and get my son his newly increased Vyvance dosage prescribed for his ADHD. He seemed in good spirits, so that was good. Then through the worst traffic ever we tried to make our way home as quickly as possible, mainly so he could play his new game. He also told me some bad news about school, but to explain it would take a million words. Let's just say he was supposed to be in this cool new program at his school that would afford him great support in finishing school as well as help with day to day living, but apparently there was some outstanding paperwork that has now shifted him from 'IN' the program to being on a waiting list for the program. I was not, and still am not, happy about this. I told him I wanted to contact the Vice-Principal assigned to him, who gave him the news, and he said no way. I of course emailed her without telling him… J I have been on the School Council for three years, at this school, as well as the three years he was in junior high, and did a stint on the council in his elementary school - so ya I am going to question what is happening, and yeah I expect it to get fixed (yes I realize I sound like a total dick saying that, but I have done my time, they can afford to help me out with this). So I decided to send a nice email first, just asking what I can do to fix this, and cc'd it to the Principal, who I have been working with through the School council, and also to my son's school counsellor. (At writing this blog (Sunday Sept 23, I have still not heard back). There is now an issue with me being involved in my son's education, as he turned 18 on the 20 of September, so the school cannot communicate anything in relation to my son without his permission… So I am not sure if that has impacted the response to my email. There is a form students can sign to give the school such permission, but I am (at writing this) not sure if my son has done so. Anyway, I am very worried that without the support of that program he will lose hope, and drop out of school completely. It was a strange night for me, trying not to be weepy, or super sentimental over the fact that we would wake up in the morning, and my baby will have gone from child to adult - seemingly in the blink of an eye. Where has the time gone? An adult, it's just fricken unbelievable…

Thursday September 20/12 - HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY to my SON!!!
The day began like many with me taking my son to school, and me heading over to help my friend. Although this morning 1) my little boy is now a man, 2) my friend didn't get up until around 11:30am, and I was there from 9:30am… For my friend I compiled a list of potential options available for vehicles ie. Power windows, etc… and gave her a space to rate them to determine what she would like to see in her new vehicle should she purchase one in the near future - which she plans to do… Then I went and met my son at an LRT station close to where I was, and we went to the music store to pick up the present his sister had ordered him. He was very excited by the gift (a guitar peddle - I know nothing about it, so don't ask). This was the second time I have gone to pick up said peddle. The first time no one knew what I was talking about, so I left empty handed. This time thankfully worked out, it was questionable for a few minutes, but then someone found it. Prior to leaving my friend's house Dr N finally called me back - although I must tell you I did leave another message the day before, cause I am sorry but it shouldn't take two + days to call me back. Anyway, he was wondering if my son could come today (Sept 20) for his assessment re rTMS or Monday. I told him today was my son's birthday, but I bet he would like to get it done right away (I know I did). So I booked it for 3:30pm. Not the greatest thing to do on your birthday, but when I picked up my son he was happy I booked it because he wanted to hurry up the rTMS process. We went home for a bit, and then went to meet Dr N at his office. There was no one else there at 3:30pm, as the office was closed - I was thinking, hmm maybe Dr N would have preferred Monday… oh well. My son went in around 3:45pm (when Dr N, was able to finally get there - he got stuck in the crazy Calgary traffic), and they didn't come out until 6:20pm. I was like wow, Dr N is really committed to making this experience work. My son later said he was barely able to scratch the surface of all the things he needed/wanted to tell him (there will be time). When they came out Dr N said he would like to start treatment October 1, as he and his wife (the nurse/Dr that usually gives me my treatments) will be going out of town next week for a couple of days, and that he didn't want to disrupt the initial 20 day treatment regimen. (Which I agree should not be interrupted - don't let ANYONE tell you differently). But he said your son wants to start immediately, he doesn't feel comfortable in waiting another week. Dr N said he would have to talk to my pdoc (his partner) to see if there was something they could arrange, and he would call us later. So we left, and as we hit the elevator my sister called from Bermuda to wish my son a happy birthday (which was very nice) - but then my battery died… ugh Since it was so late, we decided to go straight to my son's birthday supper. I wanted to and therefore did take him to his first pub. It was called the Last Straw Ale House - in the suburb of Tuscany, just up the hill from us. It was nice we had, pub quality, steak sandwiches J… He had his first carding (had to show his ID) experience and here is a brief recap of said carding. Waitress, "How ya both doing, can I get you something to drink?" I reply, "Can I have a coke with lime?" My son speaks at the same time. She looks at my son, "Do you have any id?" I gush, "Awww." She looks at the id, "Oh it's your birthday, Happy Birthday." "And what did you say you wanted to drink", she asks. He replies, "A coke." She does a double take and laughs, we all laugh. I'm like, "Yep we're living on the edge." J Not sure if I mentioned this yet (anywhere, maybe I mention it later), anyway my son doesn't drink alcohol - he hasn't tried it and doesn't yet want to change that which I think is cool) I gave him his other birthday present, a new phone. He was over the moon excited, and started to recap how this was such a great week for him (that was such a nice break from the usual darkness that clouds our usual days). I felt bad I didn't get him a cake or anything (which he said he didn't care as he doesn't like cake, but I do - he really isn't a birthday kind of guy), so we headed off to Marble Slab in search of some ice cream instead, but alas it was very busy. He went and took a look at the available ice creams, and saw that his favorite (Red Velvet) was not available - so we said f@#$ it and left… (He literally said f%^& it, I did not). We got home and he went to work trying to set up his phone. However, my awesome friends at Rogers (they are not my friends) attached the phone and therefore the SIM card to my number not his - even though I told them more than once when I ordered the phone. Anyway, this great gift started to become a terrible pain. I spoke with Rogers they said we could go to a Rogers store and just buy a new SIM card ($10) and be done - so we decided we would go the next day to do so… He then set to cleaning 'his' basement area, and doing his laundry in preparation of a couple of friends coming over the next day - something he and I were both excited about… It is so awesome when he gets to do 'normal' young adult things like socialising.

Friday September 21/12 -
Before I continue, I must say I have been sitting here, Sunday Sept 23, writing this blog for the last 3 + hours - I really need to work on this over the week - not save it all to create on the one day. Hell I might not even finish this today… That said onward to Friday.

So Friday Sept 21/12 - I slept in, well sort of… I wanted to sleep in, cause I really and truly have been getting very little (even less then my usual, little) sleep, and with this feeling of almost being sick I just needed some rest/some time away from all of this stress. But that didn't quite work out, as I had left a message the night before Thursday night for Dr N, in return of his message that he left earlier Thursday evening (he called when my phone was still dead, so I didn't get his message until later Thursday night) - Anyway, the first call from his office was the receptionist trying to figure out the message I left. First I must tell you what Dr N said in his message, 'he spoke with my pdoc, and we could either start tomorrow (Friday Sept 21) or Monday Sept 24.' So when I called back I left the message Monday would be preferred, but if it would be more convenient for them we could wait until Oct 1 when they get back. (I said this, as I wasn't sure how much trouble they would have providing my son's treatments while they were away, and concern on my part for some sort of continuity of the treatments themselves - as each person gives the treatments just slightly different, and the nurse/dr that does my treatments is the most experienced - I declined the Friday Sept 21 start immediately, not because there was limited notice but because I don't believe there should be a break in treatments, especially a two day break right after the first treatment). So the receptionist had called to find out if I was saying wait until October 1, or start on Monday. I told the receptionist I just wasn't sure about them finding someone to fill in while Dr N and nurse/doc were away. She said she would call me back after she spoke with Dr N. About a half hour or so Dr N calls and says not a problem 'my pdoc' will fill in for them while they are gone (not sure about that he has the least experience in giving the treatments J). So I booked with him the time for Monday, when my son will have his head measured, his cap mapped, and his threshold taken and set. It is all very exciting, and for some reason a little scary - not sure why since there are no real concerns with the treatments. I guess just my usual have to worry about everything. I of course immediately forgot what time Dr N said as soon as I hung up the phone and called right back. I at least made the receptionist laugh at my expense J. All that done, I set to trying to catch up on some much needed sleep - why do I even bother, although I must admit that I was so exhausted that I actually fell back asleep for about another hour (it took probably a couple of hours to finally fall asleep, but still another hour is better than nothing). When my son finally got up we headed over to Rogers for a new SIM card - me not knowing Rogers was launching their iPhone 5's UGH… A line up and then another 20 minute wait while the guy entered the new card into the system - their system was sluggish under all the pressure of new activations, upgrades, etc. After all that my son still had to wait four hours or so for the system to switch over the card, something that would usually be instantaneous… I wasted the rest of the afternoon in the regular manner of my life, and my son had his guests over (like I said so awesome, I was worried they would cancel and he would be devastated - this has happened more than once). All went well until at around 10:30pm he asked if he could go sleep over at his friend's house. First I was stunned, then I was trying to figure out how his medication would work, then I was concerned he would get no sleep and ruin his birthday dinner scheduled for the next day, then I was like, "Dan don't be an idiot - stifle your issues and fears, he wants to go hang out with people - embrace it!"  So I did and off he went… I of course being Dan was freaked out, and was thinking I shouldn't take my sleeping meds in case he may need me. Then I said to myself, nope he is 18, you have to take a risk and let go - even if it's just a little. So I did. It wasn't the most restful night, but I did sleep a little…

Saturday September 22/12 -
Oh wait one more time - I think I am going into way too much detail. Perhaps that is why this is so wordy and taking so damn long. Ugh I am really not sure about the structure of this damn thing…

My gross tongue - see white lump, right under front tooth, am I going to die
Whatever back to Sat Sept 22/12 - Almost a slow start to the day then I got a text just before 10am asking if I was awake - it was my son. I replied, "Barely." He came back with, "good." The rest of the kids were leaving he wondered if I could pick him up. I asked him if the phrasing of the question meant there was the possibility of another mode of transport home, but he said no. So I threw on my jeans and a hoodie, donned a baseball cap to cover my unprepped hair and head off to pick him up. He had a great time - so awesome to hear! He was going to go back to bed when we got home, as he only got a couple of hours sleep - but then his buddies wanted him to join them in a coop game of the new game he just got. I on the other hand tried for some more sleep, again to no avail.  We then took off early to my son's 18th Birthday Casino Dinner - like I think I may have mentioned he doesn't drink, so I thought this was the next best thing for turning legal. We went early in anticipating a line up and worried (me only) that we would struggle getting a big enough table. Of course there were barely any people there (usually it's busy I swear)… So we sat down and waited for the guests. We ate and visited (although my sister and I missed out on a lot of the conversation, as we were on the end across from each other and both flanked by our sons - we had to listen to a lot of video game speak). Still it was fun… after filling our faces. We set to a little gambling. I quickly, and I really do mean quickly, lost $35. My nephew won around $130, and my son won about $30… Much better luck then I. Only I wasn't sure we were going to be able to get my son to stop, even if he had lost I think he was prepared to lose all his birthday money - not good. And pretty sure my nephew didn't want to leave. For both of them this was their first casino experience, hopefully we haven't created some long term addiction problems… (The only thing that sucked for me was the terrible panic attacks I keep getting in public - symptoms mentioned earlier in this post. And the fact how shitty I feel when the Dexedrine starts to wear off. I start to feel physically sick/crappy. And then I get this stupid pain and numbness in my left arm, and that starts the panic of the heart attack, and that just blossoms into a full on panic attack… etc, etc… That part really sucks, and it tried it's hardest to ruin my night but thankfully it couldn't.) I have also been experiencing a sore tongue for the past couple of days. I just figured it was a canker sore, and thought nothing of it - been feeling sick and stressed only makes sense I would get one. But last night before bed I took a look, and that's no damn canker, at least it doesn't look like one I have ever had. It's a white painful lump. I took a picture, and perhaps I could be gross and try and post it??? We will see how brave I am… Anyway, it hurts like a motherf$#%er! I am battling dry mouth too. It gets really bad a couple of hours after taking the Dexedrine - damn drugs!!!! I spent several hours last night Googling pictures of mouth sores, just trying to make sure it isn't like some scary mouth cancer or something - I was not successful in finding any pictures that match, not sure if that is a bad or good thing…?

Alberta Legislature Building
Sunday September 23/12 - Did not get out of bed very early, just couldn't seem to get up. I am just (I know I have said it a million times, but I just don't know how to express it so people can understand) so exhausted. I don't think I got to sleep until after 3am, and from 4am on I just kept waking up and dreaming and then waking up. I do have to say one of my dreams was so strange. I don’t remember what was happening, but there was something like a chart or picture (something on a wall) and it was giving me so much peace as I looked at it. I kept having this powerful and magical calm come over me, and I would wake up and try and hold on to that feeling and I would fall back to sleep and the dream would continue. It was a wild ride. I have never felt so relaxed, so unafraid, so calm. I would kill (not really) for some of that feeling in my life. The absence of fear was so empowering, in a good calming sort of way - not like I am not afraid to take over the world kind of way. Of course it didn't hang on, once the dreaming was over so was that feeling. So once up and having finished my toast and tea - and downing a fist of medication, I set to finishing my letters to the Alberta government - Premier, Health Minister, and my MLA. The letters were pretty much done - not sure why I never sent them, but I did add a little more about these past experiences over the past few months. Then I emailed them. Yes they have been sent. Now I will TRY and create some sort of form letter people could use if they are interested in contacting the Premier, Minister, and their MLA. No promises on when that will happen, but I am hoping sooner than later. Since January is fast approaching, which as I have mentioned is when I have to start paying for my treatments…? And the hope is of course that the Alberta government will add rTMS to the list of mental health treatments they already cover, like they do for ECT - which is way more expensive than rTMS. I guess we will just have to wait and see if they respond to my letters (I am doubtful at best).

Shit if rTMS makes you look like this I'm cool with being sad...
Kidding I have no idea what these people are doing?
 I don't have any of that crap on me during rTMS...

My son starts his rTMS treatments tomorrow (I also have an rTMS treatment tomorrow, except mine is at fricken 9am and my son's is at 1pm - I wish they could have tried to merge them - oh well…) I hope it goes well for him, and he has as much if not more success than I……

Talk to y'all next week…

Monday, September 17, 2012

What a week... not really that exciting.

Sorry this blog is a day late, and a dollar short...

I started the week off doing the school drop off, and then heading over to help my friend. It was a hard day at her house, as we were packing up her deceased husbands clothes. I ended that Monday with a family meeting with my son's pdoc. I brought up the possibility of rTMS for him. His pdoc did not seem too thrilled - she was concerned, as she is not at all familiar with the treatment. I took some literature for her, and she said she would investigate the procedure, but we didn't have to wait for her. I just really want her on board, because of the great relationship she and my son have, but I also want him to get help sooner than later. There isn't a lot of research in relation to youth and rTMS - but I did find some, so like I said I did print off some for her, as well as a link to some more.

Tuesday (I must say I am not sure how I want to structure this weekly blog, daily breakdown or just random or hmm I have no idea - for now I guess I will do daily breakdown)

Anyway, Tuesday I got another rTMS treatment and had a chat with my pdoc's partner, as my pdoc was out of town. I need a shorter name for 'my pdoc's partner', let's call him Dr N... So Dr N and I discussed my son getting rTMS and his pdocs concerns due to her lack of knowledge regarding rTMS. Dr N would be the one looking after my son during the rTMS treatments (as my pdoc can't/won't see him as I am already his patient)... So Dr N said he would speak to my son's pdoc, and give her some insight into rTMS. Following that conversation my son's pdoc called me and assured me that she didn't want to get in the way of the treatments, just because she needs time to research it, it was our decision to proceed or not. I thanked her, and decided we will go ahead with the treatments. I would discuss it with Dr N at my next rTMS... Dr N and I also did discuss the dosage of my Dexedrine. He said he usually prescribes 20mg in the morning and then 10mg in the afternoon. So I set to increase the dosage the next morning. He was also surprised that Dexedrine made me so tired when I first started it. He said perhaps after I give Dexedrine a good try that I should perhaps try Ritalin. After we spoke for a while he was then wondering if I am so over stressed that my brain is already being saturated with Dopamine and Norepinephrone (I think that second one is right??) and that the Dexedrine is increasing that saturation and may be the cause of the extreme drowsy reaction. It doesn't matter why, I am just F$@#ing TIRED!!! And yeah a little STRESSED! I am going to see my pdoc on Monday to discuss my Dexedrine dosage (ok at writing this I already saw my pdoc today, but I'll tell you about that next week - J)

Wednesday was a sucky day... I went to bed late Tuesday night, and my son was freaked out about school and getting more depressed the more anxious he got... In the morning I woke up feeling sick (shaky, sore throat, chills, just crappy)... I had no energy or desire to fight with my son to go to school - so I told him to either bus it or stay home and make sure he goes the rest of the week without fighting (really at that moment I didn't care about anything but sleep) - I got up took Zopiclone and a Sublinox and went back to bed... I sadly only slept for a couple of hours, even with all those drugs... UGH I got up had some food and other meds (Dexedrine) then basically laid in bed the rest of the day. I took a shit load of Echinacea, and tried to get to bed early...

Thursday I did the school drop off thing again, and then went to my friends again to help her. I took her on some errands, and did a few other things. I also put together a spread sheet of crossovers/SUVs, as she is thinking of purchasing a new vehicle. I just wanted to give her some basic info (size, price), so she can get an idea of what is out there similar to what she had... She is only interested in domestics at this point, which there are still a crap load to choose from. Then I picked up my son's new ADHD medication, his pdoc put him on Vyvanse as a trial, and went home.

Friday - almost a completely wasted day - I again felt like shit. This wanna be cold keeps trying to take hold, and I keep trying to fight it with Echinacea and vitamin C, but I haven't been able to sleep - worse than usual... I fought with myself - should I get up anyway and do the things I was supposed to do - some of them (the continued battle about school) or f#$@ the whole thing - I said F$%& it! I turned off my cell phone popped some more sleeping meds and went back to bed (OK the more I write this down I see that I sound like a sleeping pill addict, but I really cannot sleep without them - I have tried and have gone days without sleep, I just lay there. It is a terrible experience - especially after day 3...) Saying screw everyone sucked though, as I was filled with guilt and remorse for not doing what I was supposed to, but I was so fricking tired. I finally passed out for few hours. I then tied up the loose ends I created, and went and did an errand for my friend - relieving some of the guilt... (Guilt something I really need to work on through CBT.) The rest of the night was wasted - just watched Netflix and laid in bed. I did make supper, but nothing else. The Dexedrine (increased from 10mg to 20mg in the AM, and 10mg in the afternoon) makes me feel different, but I am still waiting for the increased concentration, motivation, and memory - but not seeing that yet - feeling weird, but not sure if that is the cold fighting to take over or the drugs. It makes me tired, but my sleep is worse; it makes me calm, but I still have some major anxiety attacks; I have not seen increased productivity, except in the beginning when I was able to leap out of bed without any hesitation (far from normal for me - but sadly didn't last); another day I suddenly started writing a new scene for my zombie script. I just sat there and wrote 9 pages. I don't know for how many hours, but I just sat there and the story poured out; memory still sucks, zero to limited short term memory - I can't even tell you what the scene was about, but I am sure it was damn good J I have also found that sometimes words escape me when I am writing and speaking. I ended the day begging for sleep...

Saturday - Still got little sleep Friday night, so still exhausted Saturday morning, not sure what time I finally crawled out of bed, but I was still feeling shitty and not at all motivated. That night was my niece's 30th birthday party. My son and I actually went. The party was very nice. It was so good to see the family.  The food looked amazing; I didn't eat anything as Dexedrine makes me very nauseous and not at all hungry... I didn't do a lot of visiting either, as I was feeling very anxious. I actually had several panic attacks, they really do suck. Again feeling strange, but not knowing if it's the cold or the pills... I was also trying to make sure my son was ok... I just don't seem to be able to turn it off, whatever it is - my mind, my worry, my... Anyway he was fine, I was not... J But it was nice to do something 'normal', just wish I could feel more 'normal' while doing it.

Sunday - I went with my friend, and a couple of her friends, to a tree planting ceremony in honour of her deceased husband.  I guess the funeral home does this annually, combining all of the people that passed away this year (well those that used their services obviously). Still it was a big production, loads of people, a grove of trees. They hold it over the entire weekend, on a rotating basis; able to process a lot of people, at each families own discretion on when they want to participate. It was some kind of event. It was near Sikome Lake. We had to drive in to the far back parking lot, then board a shuttle bus to a tent where we watched a presentation (including video and speech). This was followed by a short walk to a golf cart. The golf cart then takes you on a long drive along a bike path, to a drop off point still 300 to 400 more feet to the grove of newly planted trees. None of the journey was conducive to the elderly or the handicapped - not sure why they were not more prepared for such things. But it kind of worked out - the golf cart ride was fricken scary. I was on the back precariously holding a large walker, and the driver was hauling ass... I went home after and we took our dog to the vet (an appointment, not an emergency). He got some blood work, vaccines, nails clipped, and a check up. The dog was fine, my wallet not so much.

Well that was my week... Not exciting, hell not even slightly interesting, but it's all I got. The rTMS is still holding my mood, no 'real' suicidal thoughts - far from perfect, but I can't imagine what shape I would be in if I wasn't getting the treatment. I am very thankful for it, for sure... I am pretty sure it is safe to say I would be dead without it... I really need to get off my ass and get those government letters done!

Talk to y'all next week...


Sunday, September 9, 2012

What a week... I seriously need a 'Braincation'. I don't need a tropical island, just a week in a coma.

Well we had a short workweek (of course that in no way effects me J ). Monday the holiday of Labour - I still think the 'workweek' that affects the majority of employees, and perhaps me in the future - should be shortened to 4 days. We the people have been doing this stupid 5 on, 2 off for far too long. What the hell are those unions doing anyway, when was the last time they helped mold the working man/woman's rights - what 1919...

Tuesday was a full day - full of doctors... I started the day at my pdoc's for rTMS, the treatment went great as usual, and my pdoc walked in and said let's do the ADHD medication. I'm like awesome. We don't have to wait till the 17th, he was nah let's do it right away. He prescribed Dexedrine Spansules (extended release Dexedrine), 1 to 3 capsules in the AM. Then I took my son to his CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) session, after that we went for a nice lunch. I love going to restaurants with him, it seems to be some of the only times I have his attention and we can actually talk. I then had to take him to his pdoc appointment. I dropped him off there, as he was going to take the train home, and I took off from there and fought traffic to the Coop to get my new prescription filled. I was so excited to get the new drug. Of course I had to wait till the next day to try it.

Wednesday I started the new ADHD medication Dexedrine - I started with one pill. Sadly my pdocs instructions were not that great, I wasn't sure if I was to take one a day for a few days, then try two, etc. I figured I would just take one a day, until I went back for my rTMS treatment on Friday. Anyway, Dexedrine is supposed to kick in about 1 or so hours after you take it... I felt nothing - no good, and thankfully no bad. I am not sure what I was hoping for. Well that's not totally true, I was hoping for some concentration, motivation, drive, and improved memory - basically everything that the drug promised to solve. Nothing... I spent the day helping my friend. I made a short day of it so I could pick up my son from his first day back at school.

Thursday again I took one Dexedrine in the AM, and again nothing. I helped my friend for the day, and then picked up my son.

Friday I went to my rTMS treatment - my pdoc was away so I sat down with his partner pdoc, we had a great talk about life, and ideas for making days better, and a suggestion of a book to read, "The Tools" - I haven't read it yet so I actually have no idea what it is even about... J He also suggested I try taking 2 Dexedrine in the AM, and then the 3rd in the afternoon to extend the effects. I left there feeling pretty good and heading to Chapters to get the book and a couple of journals. One of the things the pdoc suggested I do is to create a plan each night for the next day - and celebrate successes, no matter how small... So one of my new journals will be for the daily planning, the other for writing down/journaling my weekly experiences for my weekly blog (posted Sundays). From there I went to pick up my son. He was feeling very distraught. You could see the pain in his face and eyes. We spoke for a while and decided that he was feeling suicidal and pretty unsafe, so we went to the hospital. I will spare you the details of our journey, but it took awhile which ended up being good, as we were able to talk through his feelings/mood and he agreed to try rTMS. He was hesitant of doing rTMS, because of the cost and he was a little scared of the treatment - but he finally agreed, and we all decided that for the initial rTMS treatment protocol he could suspend school. The relief was immediately evident on his face, and mood. After talking to the emergency department doctor at the hospital, we headed home with the promise of doing a lot of talking during the weekend. He also already had a pdoc appointment scheduled for Monday. I will be contacting my pdoc's office on Monday to see how quickly we can get him in for rTMS treatments - I do not care how expensive it is, if it can help him have a better life I will do all that I can to make it happen....

Saturday I tried to sleep in (which means to me not getting up until the time ends in PM) - but nope I woke at 8am and tossed and turned until I finally couldn't take it and got out of bed at 10am... This was the start of the new Dexedrine dosage. I took the two Dexedrine with my other morning medications, ate breakfast and sat waiting to see what would happen... About an hour or an hour and half later - I started to feel so tired, I could barely keep my eyes open. I am like what the hell is going on. I then started a log of feelings/reactions to the drugs. Then maybe an hour or so after the super tired feeling, I started to become a little less tired, and a teeny tiny bit fidgety.  Later maybe after another hour or so, I kept catching myself staring off into space, and feeling fine with that - very mellow... J I still did some stuff. I decided to type up a synopsis for a new script idea I have - that was an interesting experience (I did this around the one hour mark following my 2 Dexedrine), it took me forever. The words just seemed to take so long to come to mind. Also during that time I went to Google something, and by the time Google opened I had no idea what I wanted to look up. (I did remember later - it was to find out how long it was supposed to take for the Dexedrine to kick in. J) I took the third Dexedrine at around 2pm, about four hours after the first dose - as instructed. I did do some laundry and vacuumed the upstairs. Later my mom came over for a visit. I was less tired, but still a little sleepy, and still catching myself staring off into space once in a while. We had an awesome visit, and I cooked bbq steak, baby potatoes, and broccoli for all of us. It was so nice just to visit, a really nice calm afternoon.

Sunday started off like Saturday - exactly like Saturday... I tossed and turned from 8am, got up at 10am. I had my breakfast and all my pills, including the two Dexedrine. Pretty much the same reaction about 1 to 1.5 hours after taking the pills I started to feel tired, but not as tired as the day before. I was still a little spacey after a couple of hours, but again not as bad as yesterday. It should be noted that I also forced me and my son to go for a short walk - that is nearly unheard of, so is there perhaps some hope with these pills. I have no idea if the reaction/benefit takes some time with Dexedrine, or if I should have seen it immediately and therefore this won't work... hmmm. I am still waiting for the concentration, motivation, drive, and improved memory..... We (me, my son, and my ex-wife) got to have dinner with my daughter, who was passing through Calgary on her way home. It was great to see her, it was a short visit, but awesome none the less... It was a nice end to a basically quiet day. Tomorrow holds a few challenges, but hopefully we get good news about my son getting rTMS, and I have better results with the Dexedrine...

Talk to you next week...