Monday, June 11, 2012

Another rTMS treatment and a maintenance schedule set...

I had my first treatment of the week this morning, and met another new nurse.  The treatment went well, and I met with my pdoc and confirmed the previously mentioned Monday, Thursday, Wednesday maintenance treatment schedule - from now through the beginning of July. Hopefully it will work. I guess all we can do is try it and see...

After the treatment I had a luncheon to go to. I have been on my son's school parent council for the past two years (although this year was a bust), so I attended the Executive wrap up lunch. It was nice to just hang out and visit. Although I always find hard in social situations when asked 'how are you', 'what do you do for a living', 'do you have any vacation plans for the summer', as well as hear how wonderful everyone is doing and how magnificent their children did. I want to be happy for them, but then I feel so jealous and so inferior and worthless... But...

Yeah anyway, no suicidal stuff since about two hours after the treatment!!! Pretty much feeling good all afternoon and not about to let some writing change Let's leave it at that and reconvene tomorrow... (So strange how writing can sometimes negatively affect my mood...)

Talk to y'all tomorrow... 


  1. Happy to hear your treatment is helping you with the negative thoughts patterns.

    My girl friend is about to start her sessions so reading about your experience really helps.

    Keep posting and I'll keep reading!

    1. Hi Kevin! So awesome to hear your girlfriend is getting rTMS, please tell her it is amazing, painless, and I highly recommend it (for whatever that's worth) :) Thank you for reading my posts, and please keep me 'posted' on her success. Also remind her that she might not notice anything until the end of the third week, so not to panic if she doesn't. I didn't really feel better until the end of the forth week, but did notice a change near the end of the third. Thank you again. All the best to you both! Dan
