Friday, June 8, 2012

UGH no sleep...

I literally woke up every 10 to 15 minutes last night from 1:30am to 9:00am this morning. I maybe got 2 and a bit hours of broken sleep. I am exhausted, and a little nauseous. The time I did sleep was all spent dreaming. I dreamt I had a truck, and the color kept changing, and I couldn't remember where I parked it and therefore couldn't find it. Other times I dreamt I had to keep giving myself a needle to live, but no idea what it was or what it was saving me from. So tired...

I took my son to the Neuroscience Department of the Children's Hospital, at their request, to get his concussion checked out. They said they will call us in a couple of weeks, and if no improvements they will be referring him to a physiotherapist to assist with his dizziness. They suggested we keep up with the gradual introduction of regular activities.

The rest of the day was spent in a haze of mindless activity, which means no activity at all. My mood is fine, better actually, but finding it impossible to operate on such little sleep. I tried to have a nap, but my mind just would not shut off... Why is there no pause button?

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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