Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Another wasted day...

What the hell is going on? I once again wasted the day in bed. I just couldn't get up, and not because I was tired, I barely slept the whole time. Everything just felt overwhelming - and the longer I laid in bed the worse I felt, and the worse I felt the harder it was to get out of bed. I just laid there ruminating over everything I should be doing, where I should be, how this was not the life I wanted for me and my son, etc, etc... It was a horrible snowball effect. Thankfully my son had a doctor appointment he needed to get to, so I had to get up; but even then I almost didn't, I started by telling him he can take the bus. Then I eventually realized that I should at least get him to the LRT. I am a horrible parent. Once out of the house I forced myself to do a 30 minute walk in the park, as instructed by my pdoc. I have been told I need to do at least 30 minutes per day of some form of exercise. It sucks with my back, as I can't go that fast so I am not sure how much benefit I am getting (I know it's better than not doing it). I need to find a local pool with exercise equipment. I have a pass that gives me a reduced rate, so it needs to be a city facility. The pool closest to where I live doesn't look like it has a gym. Ugh! I am thinking a stationary bike would be easier on the back, and I can actually get my heart rate up...

So I walked and listened to music for a half an hour, then came home and sat like a vegetable in front of the TV, once again playing the negative talk over and over again in my head. I hate that so much. So I think my mom has convinced me to give the Calgary Counselling Centre another chance. They provide counselling services at a reduced rate. The cost per hour is based on your income. It sucks because its downtown, and for the most part you get a graduate student not an experienced doctor. But it is so painfully obvious I need something, and sooner than later... It looks like you can apply online for their services, perhaps I will give that a try. I have used their services a couple of times in the past, and was less than impressed but maybe this time will be better. There I applied - they said I should hear from a Counsellor in the next few days...

Well I sure hope tomorrow is a better day... Thankfully I have to get up early to take my son to get his stitches removed, and perhaps at the same time get a definitive on whether he has a concussion or not.

PLEASE be a better day...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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