Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A great day if I was a high priced Call Girl...

Why you ask? Because I spent the majority of the day on my back... J

I took another back day, well almost, I did have to give in and do laundry that has been piling up, including changing my sheets, something that should be easy but is extremely painful, ugh. Anyway, it is all done, and I cannot worry about it for another week.

I guess the next challenge will be the yard, once the rain lets up and all is dry. It's been neglected what with my son and I both being out of commission, but hopefully this weekend (weather permitting) we can catch up. It looks terrible and not something I like to let happen. The yard is small enough that my son and I, together, should be able to get it back under control with relative ease.

I got my MRI booked for next week, Tuesday to be exact. I guess once that is done the next challenge will be to get to see a specialist. Not sure how to handle that as my medical files are in limbo, my old family doctor no longer has them, and my new family doctor has yet to receive them - so ya WTH. I think Friday I will work on that and a couple of other things I have been neglecting - perhaps some writing too. I have been 'craving' to write, but have just kept putting it off - perhaps I should revisit that...

My mood has been kind of strange. One minute I am fine, then the next I am feeling low. I found it extremely hard to get out of bed today, but I kept thinking 'what is the point', as I would just go from the bed to the couch, so crappy. No suicidal stuff though, so that is good... My pdoc said I could go in Friday if I need a top up, but I think I should wait until Tuesday and see if I can do one rTMS treatment per week. I can't do two per week forever... I should be at one per month, or perhaps even less by now, so I need to get my shit together. I need to realize (as I am sure I have mentioned) that this is probably as good as it gets - so deal! Perhaps things will be better if I can get rid of the back pain too - man I hope that is possible...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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