Monday, May 21, 2012

Just another 'beeping' day of back pain...

Sorry got nothing to give tonight, both because I didn't do anything and because I am in too much pain to sit and write. If I had anything remotely interesting I would take the laptop to bed so I could type, but still nothing to report.

I did have to go to the grocery store for food and drugs - oh what a fun trip...

I would love to report my mood is holding, but it has been kind of up, down, and sideways. Nothing bad, just not elevated, or something - shit not sure how to explain it... But I know lying around in the house all day isn't helping. The pain is not helping. Boredom is not helping. Let's start the 'New Back for Dan Fund'. There must be some place to buy a new back or some heavy duty drugs - damn can't take those. Anyway, through all of the boredom, pain, and weird mood I only had one more suicidal ideation - thankfully very fleeting.

I have nothing planned for tomorrow, so I don't expect I will have anything wonderful to share. I was wishing maybe to have a meal with my mom tomorrow, but I am pretty sure my back won't allow it. But I will keep you posted. J

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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