Monday, May 21, 2012

Troublesome concussion...

What a night... So much so I need to say it again, what a night...

My poor son's concussion symptoms intensified at around midnight. The dizziness he had been feeling increased tenfold. So much so he could barely stand, and then the violent vomiting started. He threw up about every 10 to 15 minutes, each bout lasting several minutes. He became very weak, shaky, and obviously distraught. I brought him drinks, sat on the stairs to talk to him when his nausea and dizziness prevented him from getting up off the bathroom floor. Then around 4 am we moved into his bedroom, I sat (laid when my back gave up) on his bed, next to him, and we talked in between his terrible adventures to the washroom. At 5:36am the vomiting seemed to finally stop - we were both exhausted, but neither of us could sleep. We decided it was safe for me to go lay in my bed, and at 6:30am when the vomiting hadn't returned I told him I was going to pop a sleeping pill so I could get a few hours sleep. Then BOOM 7am he tossed his cookies again, and then it was done. So he would yell up updates, but eventually my drugs kicked in and I stopped listening. J

Well I guess the boredom got to him, he couldn't sleep as he obviously threw up his medication the night before, so he tried calling his mom to chat but he couldn't reach her, so he called his grandma and proceeded to have an hour long conversation about I am not sure what... but it did include that I had fallen short of my duties, as I was sleeping so he wondered if she could bring him some Gatorade and some ginger ale... I was awoken by the sound of the dog barking, and my son standing in the hallway holding some grocery bags. I am like 'what the hell' and he is all 'grandma is here'. I was pretty out of it, but got up and had a laugh and some shock over his call to arms of grandma.

So grandma and I got him all settled back downstairs in the dark, and later his mom came and brought some more Gravol and Gatorade and had a visit. While my son was in and out of little naps, I made my mom supper and we had a little visit. So from a terrible night came the event I mentioned yesterday, about wanting to see my mom and perhaps have a meal.

My son is now in bed; medicated to the hilt, not sure if that is good or bad I just want him to be able to sleep without anymore throwing up. I think tonight will be better as he didn't do anything today, where as yesterday he did way too much. Slow and easy wins the concussion race...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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