Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Perhaps a person (me) needs two rTMS treatments per week (or more)...

Things are for shit - I have not noticed a lift after yesterday's treatment. I feel like shit. I feel suicidal. I am far from happy. It has been a long time since I have felt this low. I find it impossible to get out of bed, and I haven't even had a shower today (yes that is a big deal I am a fanatic when it comes to daily showering)...

SO WHAT? Who gives a fuck? Me either...

I called and left a message for the therapist again, and hopefully next Thursday I can meet him, just waiting to hear if he has any spots open for then. Of course in this mindset therapy will be for shit, I realize that is a shitty attitude but that has been my experience. I was hoping the treatment would have things under control, and therapy would be there to help me to the next level of 'healthy'.

I shan't bore you any further... fuck I hate this!!!!

Talk to y'all tomorrow... 

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