Sunday, May 13, 2012

A beautiful day... for a farmer tan.

What a gorgeous day. The sun was a shining, and I am sure the birds were singing, although I don't remember listening for them. J

The Priddis sale was well stocked with treasurers, but damn there were way too many people there. It was crowded, and the parking was stupid. Still I bought a couple of items, though we never stayed as long as we usually do. I bought a little wooden table, kind of Victorian in its style (although definitely not an antique). J I also bought a couple of old video games for my son, and two old school DVDs (Space Balls, and Grease), good times... Oh and I bought a brass firewood holder. Then we went to my sister's house.

At my sister's garage sale I bought her old wingback chair. Although it is in great shape, I would like to recover it (one day), as it is green - but super comfy and I love wingback chairs. I need another one. I would love to get rid of my living room furniture, and maybe replace with a love seat and two wingback chairs - or something like that... Mostly at my sister's we sat on our butts, and watched them work. I didn't think we were out there long enough, but I did get a sunburnt face, and a great burn/tan on the first quarter of my arm. I stupidly didn't wear shorts, and I had a thin hoodie on, hence the little exposed arm. I missed a great opportunity to dewhitify my limbs. J My mom and I also went for a little bite at Wendy's, and did a tour of the dollar store. She loves the dollar store...

After a hard day of watching my sister and nephews sell stuff, we went out for Mother's Day supper. We went to the Asian Buffet (and yes that is its real name)... I ate way too much, and only some of it actually tasted good. After the feed bag came off, my son and I headed to the Co-op to get food items for tomorrow's Mother's Day brunch. It will be a small affair, just my mom, my sister, my son, and me... More food, ugh. We are going to have bacon, eggs, hash-browns, sausage, toast, and pancakes. Should be fun, and yummy...

My mood has been great today - lots of sun, time with people, and out of the house. Pdoc should be happy too, as I got a lot of walking in. All in all people, a great day!

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Other favourite sisterMay 13, 2012 at 10:42 AM

    It was fun yesterday! I am glad that everyone stopped by our garage sale. The best part of the day was going out for supper with the family! Have a great brunch and think of me while I clean my house for our company lololol
