Thursday, May 17, 2012

Good day had by most, but not all...

Had my rTMS treatment this morning - all went well as usual... Had a chat with my pdoc about my terrible back, we all agree I should be careful as it seems to be getting worse. Things are hopefully progressing in the getting an MRI department - I will keep you posted, but even if I can expedite the MRI I am not sure what the timeline is for meeting with the surgeon??? That being said, if I at least had the MRI it would be easier to pressure the surgeon(s)...

The rest of the day I basically spent in bed on the heating pad - I was saving my back up to go to Jubilations Dinner Theatre, which I did...

So I went with my mom and two sisters to see, 'Jump For Glee' - a musical spoof on the TV show Glee. I have to say it was hilarious. The singing was amazing, as was the acting. The cast mill around and interact with the audience and 'extras' participate as servers, in between the acts. It is a very entertaining, and some time disturbing experience, all and all a great show and a wonderful night. Oh and the food was great too!

Sadly for my son not as great a night, as he spent the entire afternoon and evening at the hospital getting poked and prodded (but mostly waiting) in hopes of discovering why he is still feeling so miserable after his accident. I feel bad I wasn't there, but his mom had his back. He has finally arrived home, he has a CAT Scan scheduled for tomorrow. It is looking like he has 'Post Concussion Syndrome'.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day for all of us - I can still walk after the show, with a lot of help from my cane, and lot of pain; but at least I can still move, just slowly and in small increments. J

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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