Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bloody hell and such and things...

Let's just say the entire day would have been a write-off if not for making supper and playing video games with my son...

I could not get out of bed. When I finally did, I had my toast and a cup of tea watched a couple of PVR'd shows, visited a little with my son and then went back to bed. I should mention it was between 1 and 2pm when I first got out of bed. My son basically forced me out of bed, the second time.  Then I made a late supper, and we played video games for a while.

I guess the 'icky' mood of yesterday manifested in super depression today. I didn't even shower today, and those of you that know me, know I am OCD on the showering.

I am not sure what to even say... I just want to go back to bed. I think I will do just that, perhaps tomorrow after I get my rTMS treatment, and do a little grocery shopping, I will be in a better place to write about all of these debilitating feelings and emotions. Maybe???

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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