Thursday, May 24, 2012

Words escape me...

I really have nothing to report - my mood has been pretty good. I keep feeling overwhelmed for really no reason, but it keeps sneaking up on me. The new sleeping medication is not working. It does knock me out about 45 minutes after taking it, but damn if I don't wake up 2 or 3 hours later and struggle to get back to sleep for the next 4 to 5 hours. I am thinking tonight I will take one, and when I wake 2 hours later I will pop a Zopiclone - just a thought, perhaps not a good one. J

I don't even really have any plans this weekend to share, although my son and I might escort my mom out to Priddis to check out the condition of the bench there dedicated to my grandparents. We are thinking it probably needs refinishing, and we forgot to look at it when we were there for the garage sale. After we check out the bench I think we will take my mom out for supper. We never spend any time with her, so hoping we can catch up over some good food... She also notified me today that she made me some bread pudding (my favorite), so also looking forward to having that. J

Well kids that's all I got... Perhaps tomorrow will provide more, oh wait I have nothing happening tomorrow - damn...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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