Monday, May 14, 2012

Such a beautiful day - sort of wasted on resting...

Wow killer beautiful day, but I spent most of it in bed. I got no sleep last night, and my rTMS treatment today finished me off - after the treatment I had my toast and coffee and went back to bed. Sure I missed the beautiful day, but boy did I feel better when I finally got up. I wish I could say the same for my back. This weekend killed it, and therefore me. There was/is no way I could go for a walk today, I barely made it to the doctor appointment. If not for the cane I wouldn't have...

So what does an exhausted person in excruciating pain do all day? Nothing! I am laid up on the couch again. My pdoc is all; you need to get an appointment with your GP to refer you for a physio assessment. Just tell the physiotherapist you can't afford appointments, but you need some exercises. Seriously you have met me right, like I am going to do that. I know I need to strengthen my core, and I know somewhere in this house is a list of exercises with instructions, so when I can move again I will search for it and hope I can move enough to do some.

I am pretty sure 'they' (all of the doctors, including my pdoc) have NO idea how much pain I am in. Sure why not share this with the world - although I can't seem to cry in front of anyone, the pain brings me to tears. I can barely move. I can't bend over to pull my socks on or my pants up. I need an MRI and an appointment with my surgeon. I am pretty sure they are going to have to fuse my spine in that same area. I know enough whining Dan. I just have really had enough of the pain, and sadly realize I am going to have to live with it for at least another 2 years. Wonderful wait times...

Enough poor me stories - here is to a good mood! Plenty of sunshine! And no deep ugly darkness!

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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