Friday, May 4, 2012

Same shit different day... I hate guilt and anxiety!

Stayed home watching over my son, his body is still introducing new sore spots as the days progress. Otherwise just chilled - I was filled with guilt, as there were things I should have been doing but I wanted to make sure I was near if the kiddo needed me. Guilt + anxiety = depression, but although I felt it all day by early evening I was back on track. Mood still holding - still loving two treatments per week.

Tomorrow is a NO day; no plans, no commitments, no nice weather, no worries - I am giving myself the day off. What does that mean; you don't have a job Dan. What I mean is I am giving myself permission to not worry about anyone or anything. No anxiety, no guilt! I just want to hang out, and maybe play games with my son - we have to work on Silent Hill 3... As I write this I am curious how I can let go of the guilt and anxiety.... ugh

Please note I added the Google Translation Bar at the top right of my blog page, so you can translate my posts to numerous languages. Also please feel free to write me comments in your native tongue, and we will see if this works for that as well.

Comments, questions, suggestions are always welcome and encouraged. I would love to be able to somehow connect with the people reading my blog. As well as have the opportunity to include things that interest people or to answer questions.

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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