Friday, May 25, 2012

The clouds dispersed, the sun shone bright and the, who am I kidding it rained...

So I still have nothing. I couldn't get out of bed, didn't even go and pick up my meds from my pdoc. Not sure if its mood, or just giving up due to back pain - whatever it sucks.

I'm so tired of this - so much so I think I will just shut up!

By Chaotic Life aka Curly Mer
I'm sick,
of being me
I'm sick,
of people
I'm sick,
of feeling crushed
I'm sick,
of being depressed
I'm sick,
of having to yell everyday
I'm sick,
of school
I'm sick,
of being imperfect
I'm sick,
of being so smart
I'm sick,
of acting stupid sometimes
I'm sick,
of saying things i don't mean to other people
I'm sick,
of hiding secrets inside me
I'm sick,
of life!

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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