Friday, May 18, 2012

You son of a bitch... just kidding

Pretty much a day of sitting and waiting... We got the call this morning announcing the time my son would be having his CT Scan. When we arrived all seemed good with the world - empty waiting room - but alas that was a sham, we were escorted to another waiting room that was not empty. Still there were only two people a head of us, and his scan was only about a half an hour later than scheduled. But although the scan was finished we were not. We were told to go to the Emergency Department and let Triage know that we had the scan and needed to see the doctor to get the results. So we walked over and did as advised - which led to answering all the same questions my son answered yesterday, which led to waiting for Admitting, which led to waiting for a room, which led to waiting for a doctor, which led to finding out the scan was OK, which led to relief and the confirmation of a concussion. So now my son is supposed to spend one full day in bed in the dark doing nothing... Then add an activity ie reading/TV/video game the next day, then add more the next day and so on... This is going to be a lot of work for me. J Although he did tell the doctor he was feeling a bit better today, then he was yesterday. Although it seems when he gets tired it gets a bit worse, so tonight he isn't feeling too tip top.

I then took a break from sitting in hard waiting room chairs, and laid in bed on the heating pad. Following a half hour of that I went to assist my friend. She nicely took me out for supper, and we had a lovely visit during and after...

That was my day... Boring I know, but also uneventful - and all with an elevated mood. My mood is still holding, although I must admit that last night out of the blue I was struck with a suicidal thought. It wasn't fleeting either. It came fast but held on for a while, I actually had to really fight it and then it went away. It was disturbing and scary. I guess it was just a 'friendly' reminder that the illness is there even if the symptoms are being helped. Anyway, hopefully that won't happen often...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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