Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It was a day, thankfully not like all others...

I started the day late - stayed in bed for as long as I could, then rushed to get ready for the funeral.

My friend's husband's funeral was beautiful - filled with tears, laughter, and memories. He was a good man, and touched a lot of lives.

Tomorrow is another rTMS treatment. This is the last week with two treatments, which may be fine or may suck I guess we will see. My mood has been great, especially considering all of the sad things happening around me, and all the trouble I am having with my back. So will all that be taken away by shifting to one treatment per week? I hope not... Keep your fingers crossed, I guess we won't know for a week or so - but let's hope for the best, shall we...

Sorry for the briefness of this post, but an emotional day has taken some of the wind from my sails.

Just cherish every moment. Spend all the time you can with your loved ones. Keep your heart open to love. Care for everyone like you would care for yourself. Don't waste your time with regret and guilt, just 'pray/hope/envision/believe' we have another shot at the perfect life, a place of peace and happiness. I am not a religious person - which makes it hard for me to believe there is something after this. In fact I always wanted it to be final, the end. But man it would be so nice to believe there is something after this, a place without death where we can celebrate living, love, happiness... A place where we are free of guilt, free of fear, free of sadness, free of sickness. A place where we are reunited with all of the people we love!

Live life people - hug lots, smile even more - life is precious and so are you!

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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