Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Finale – Treatment #20… But the BLOG will continue!!!

Well that is it… The final treatment, treatment #20, administered at 1:45PM today Friday, February 3, 2012

Am I cured? Hardly.  Am I feeling better? Decidedly.  Do I have a long way to go? Probably.

I feel lighter. I am not thinking of suicide every minute of the day. I have made arrangements to go out for lunch with a friend on Wednesday. I have spoken to another friend about enrolling in a Monday night writing class, through the library (we have not carved this in stone yet, as one I need a library card and two we need more details about the class – which starts next Monday, February 13th)

I feel different - better than I was - perhaps not as good as I had hoped - but I am still going for maintenance treatments Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for the next two weeks. If we notice any change for the negative, we will look at changing the plan. If it’s going good or better, the next stage is to reduce to twice per week for a couple of weeks (which I am sure I have mentioned already in other posts).

I have a new mind, a healthier mind – maybe not ‘healthy Dan’, but definitely ‘healthier Dan’ – and for now I will take that…
I need to learn new ways of thinking, new ways of dealing with things. I need new strategies, for life, emotions, etc – People get sad, ALL people, I will need to recognize sadness and learn to not confuse it with depression. The other psychiatrist at my pdoc’s office said today – to make sure I list off the things I am thankful for, when the negative narrative tries to take over. I might actually now be in a healthier place where that could be a possibility –

My desire to take on the world, and writing hasn’t appeared quite yet, but there is still time. I will give it until Monday, before I grab a pitchfork and a torch and hunt it down…

Things could be turning around – one thing I need to do is to get out of the house, and feel and live life – so hurry up +20c days (whether ‘healthier Dan’ or ‘unhealthy Dan’ - I still don’t like winter)

So people, if you are nearby, or maybe going to be nearby – please help me get out and do things – or at least come over and help me enjoy some sort of real life…

All help is greatly appreciated, all support, care and love will be wholeheartedly accepted!!!

(It might be the final treatment of the continuous phase, but this blog isn't over!!!)

Talk to y’all tomorrow… 

1 comment:

  1. Okay first of all you can get a free library card, just flash your Medical Services Card. Second the weather has been FANTASTIC this winter. I realize we could still experience more "real" winter but for now I will take this. That is my rant.
