Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What is SAD????? And other useful rantables…

What the hell is with these rant emails or Facebook statuses that are about this cause or that cause and they always end with something like this, “let’s see which of you are proud/brave enough to send it on.  I sadly don't think many will.” If you don’t think anyone will send it on or repost it, or retweet it then why the hell do you even bother posting it. Do they think by saying that they can guilt you into doing it, or some passive-aggressive bullying? What the hell?

Sorry a little off topic, but PLEASE PEOPLE STOP POSTING THOSE J

I had an OK day, until coming home from seeing my son, I felt a bit low and kind of lost.
Which is something I am struggling with, normal sadness vs. bipolar depression…??? I think we may have had this talk before, if so sorry. I need to remember to tell my pdoc that my pretreatment foggy brain is back.

Anyway, you norms out there I need some help understanding ‘normal’ sadness??? My ‘sad’ bipolar depression (which is all I am used to), would come out of nowhere, start tearful, turn to blackness and despair, then level off at wanting to kill myself and last forever. Never really knowing where it came from. So when I am low that is where I go. 
Can someone ‘normal’ J non-?BP or clinically depressed, share what ‘sad’ looks like..?

I really need to hit the hay, my brain is melting.

Talk to y’all tomorrow…


  1. Funny you ask that.... I have wondered if you knew what 'normal' ups and downs felt like. Even I, usually totally optimistic, have days when down for apparently no good reason. Lethargy, gloominess and general despair just seem to happen sometimes. I usually can figure out what triggered it, and then analyze it...but.... you won't want to hear this, lol - the best way to figure out the feelings is during a run. I am extra insightful during a run. It also elevates my mood & makes me feel like I have accomplished something.

    1. Thank you for that Joyce - cause nope I don't. And yes my pdoc keeps pushing walking (thank goodness not running - sounds to painful) :) But time alone with my thoughts has always been scary, as they always lead to bad places. I have to relearn so many things. I am very thankful you have running!!!
