Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Still waiting for that BIG moment – something is telling me it isn’t coming…

Second last treatment of the week – nothing exciting to report, although I did get the exercise talk again J

After the treatment, I dragged my tired and sore legs and my ever painful back to Bowness Park for another 30 minute walk. I took these photos, while on my journey. Sorry they are not all that great, but I was using my phone. Also sorry for the strange way the pictures are published below - I tried for something better, but what you see is what I got.

 So I told you about my childhood (well what I could remember), and my teenage years. I am not sure how much I have or have not shared about my family. Originally when I started writing this post I was thinking about opening up about sex and bipolar (well my sex and my bipolar). Then I was thinking that might be a bad idea as once something is out there in cyber-world, it is OUT THERE…. for good.

Anyway, back to my family makeup - I am the youngest of five children. I have a brother, and three sisters (plus my dad adopted a boy and a girl – so I guess half sister and half brother). My parents separated when I was around ten. There are a whole host of reasons why, but that is not my story to tell. My father remarried, my mom did not. My brother and one of my sisters are married. My other sisters are no longer married. I have four nephews, and five nieces. I also have four great-nephews (one of which is also my half brother) and five great-nieces (one of which is also my half sister). I, like most people, have a dysfunctional family.

A curious side note: I found out on a road trip, with my now ex-wife, her daughter (who is now my daughter), and my mom that I was an accident (I was 18 or 19 at the time I found out). I took the news pretty hard – and for many reasons I still feel bad that I came into the world at that time, I am thinking that would have been a bad time for my mom. We lived on a quiet crescent (in the same house for my entire childhood). We also lived across the alley from my Grandma and Grandpa’s house – they were a huge part of my life. I love and miss them greatly. I had two super close friends, one lived next door to me and the other lived across the street. In fact one of them was born four days after me, in the same hospital. We were very close up until grade seven.

I am not sure why I am boring you all with this. I guess just so you have some background on the mush that is me.

More again soon… Perhaps next time we can talk about my ‘love’ life, a little more PG than ‘sex’ Life.

Talk to y’all tomorrow…

PS Happy Valentine’s Day

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