Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Zzzzzzzzzzz I need me some more sleep….. and exercise ugh

So the new pills helped a bit, I was able to sleep straight through from 2am to about 6am… not great but better than usual.  Although I woke up super groggy (hung-over) and at writing this I am still feeling it.

I also realized I left off two amazing women on my suggestions for picking me the perfect woman. 

Speaking of the perfect woman, my pdoc wants me to start exercising. Does anyone know of any fun cardio workouts ;)   cekc – geschlecht – geslacht – seks – sexo - leg over - have a naughty

I'm having a hard time with this… I feel better, but there just seems to be something missing. Like the destination is right around the corner, but the corner just keeps going and going; or like a giant wall blocking my progress forward. I can’t explain it, but it is frustrating the shit out of me. I am not sure if I should be sad because I am not where I want to be or angry, or if I am just being stupid….

Perhaps I had just hoped that when I got ‘better’, everything would start to fall into place but not so much. I’m kind of stressing over this cutting back to 3 sessions a week and only doing it for 2 weeks…

Anyway, I have to go take my pills and get to bed………. Let’s pick this up a bit earlier tomorrow.

Talk to y’all tomorrow…

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