Saturday, February 25, 2012

Who Wants to Clean My House…. And other meaningless crap

So its fricking cold out – blowing snow and just plain gross!

Which means, people should be bored, and what better thing to do to pass the time but CLEAN MY HOUSE and what the hay you might as well cook for me too – but first you will need to buy groceries. J

I have been feeling pretty good today – got out, saw my son, all and all a pretty good day. So today is a great day to remind people (rTMS) is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! If I could just get some sleep things would almost be perfect (almost)… Good sign if I can feel like this with only two treatments this past week, things may really improve.  Join me on my rollercoaster ride.  ;)
I did some writing today – a bit challenging, as I usually come up with my own stories, but this one is a short based on a story treatment of a friend of mine. Challenge is good – writing is awesome. Maybe tomorrow night I will build a fire, move the comfy chair next to the fireplace (not too close J ) and do some hardcore writing – get the short done. I guess I actually have two shorts on the go – so work on both shorts – and possibly work on my Zombie movie – I love my Zombie movie. I really want to get it finished – you will love it too (maybe).
I keep thinking there is something I want to share with you all, but it escapes me…?

I am thinking maybe (please tell me if you think it may be too soon) about looking in to ways to meet people (specifically female people wink, wink)..? I don’t know? I want to be very stable before I meet anyone. But honestly I have no idea where to meet women………………………………….. and I am pretty sure I am not looking for something super serious.

And further to this I pose this question: to vasectomy or not to vasectomy that is the question?
No seriously any thoughts on that?  I honestly do NOT want any more kids. Not because I don’t like kids, but because I like the two I have and don’t want anymore!!!!

Wow too personal much Dan… lol I am an open book.

Talk to y’all tomorrow…

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