Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Treatment #18 – Strangeness be what strangeness is, which is what it is…

Well the treatment went very well, I had a great joking session with my pdoc and the dr-nurse again - they are both very funny… Although he wants me to be careful, and have other people monitor me in the evening to make sure I don’t have any manic episodes. He suggested my sister, but he doesn't know how annoying she is so…. LOL

And when I left my treatment today I felt a little lighter. 

I came home after the treatment, sat down and tried to be one with the feelings flowing through my head, but then the exhaustion hit so I tried to have a nap (big waste of time). Later my son called, asking me to pick him up from the LRT (our ‘subway’ system). I was thinking, I really need to get out of this house, so I dragged him to a movie (bloody hell movies are expensive) – but it was nice to do something with him, and to get out of the house and do something new!!!!!

I also realized, once I got home that I didn’t have my usual panic/anxiety at the movie theatre. I was able to just enjoy the moment, and the movie. Pretty cool…  I think I will endeavor to try and go to a few more things or places this week to ‘test the waters’…

The dr-nurse gave me that psychiatric test on the first day of treatment, and at the midway point (which had basically the same results), on Friday (the day of my last treatment) I will be taking that test again.  I am hoping the results will be very dramatically different. I kind of wish they would wait until Monday to give it to me….. I am thinking based on last time, that during the weekend I will be really feeling the ‘good’.

I was told next week we will be doing 3 treatments, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. It will be my first week of maintenance treatments. The plan at this point will be to do that for two weeks, then decrease to two for two, etc. I am a little nervous about the thought of decreasing the number of treatments… I just don’t want to slide backwards.

Sorry I don’t have much, but I am ready for bed!!!!

Talk to y’all tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps if your annoying sister was having an easier time leaving the house......... LoL Friday I am going to MAKE myself go out. To help Mom's friend "M" with her computer. Eeek
