Friday, February 17, 2012

Life – to participate or not to participate that is the question..?

I'm not suicidal, much (not worrisome wise anyway)… I am not really sad, just kind of blah. I have NO drive. There is so much I want to do, but I find it impossible to get started. And I am pretty lonely - but still just want to hide...

I reorganized my bedroom – and destroyed my back, I can barely walk. Maybe the change up will help my sleeping, or something.

I had thought of something to write earlier today, however, sitting down at this crap computer I cannot remember, ugh…

So here is scene 1 of the short I started writing as a spoof of my rTMS treatments………

A Magnetic Personality©
By Dan Routly


POV of Nathan bright lights, but out of focus, we see the chaotic movement of nurses and doctors.  Nathan, is in and out of consciousness, the screen goes dark when he is out.  We hear bits and pieces of what the nurses and doctors say when his eyes are open.

We need to get him intubated stat.

(handing the doctor the intubation equipment)
Here doctor.

Darkness after a beat Nathan's eyes open still blurred brightness and shadows.

Doctor we are losing him.

(controlled panic)
His blood pressure is dropping doctor.

Darkness after a beat Nathan's eyes open still blurred brightness and shadows.

(yelling to anyone)
I need more charcoal.

Darkness after a beat Nathan's eyes open still blurred brightness and shadows.

(yelling to Emergency Nurse 1)
We need the crash cart.

Darkness after a beat Nathan's eyes open, once more and we see the shadowy movements of the nurses and doctors.  We hear the heart monitor beeping a slow rhythm.  The rhythm is slowing, slowing, flat line...


Talk to y’all tomorrow…


  1. Dan, I finally had the chance to catch up on your blog. I was getting way behind! I'm ready for Scene 2! I'm so impressed by your courage to share so many deep feelings and experiences. I'll never understand where your ideas that you are uninteresting or boring come from. Of course I know it is the illness, but I hope some day you'll let go of those notions. You are one of the funniest guys I've ever met.

    There are many things I want to comment on and suggestions on how to move forward with your journey to good health.....I worry most about your impatience. I have to keep talking to myself, "Baby steps!! Baby steps in the right direction!!" You're not going to magically step out of the cold darkness and immediatly adjust to the warm light. There will be steps backwards, an urge to shade your eyes and a desire to crawl back into the cave. There'll be icy, dark days where the only positive you could claim is that you are still here. You've taken some giant leaps! Can you believe it was YOU who brought rTMS to your town? On a bad day, try to remind yourself of that. Think of the folks who will benefit from that in the future. You started and have faithfully kept up with a daily blog! I don't think you have given yourself enough credit for this. It's huge, and you're helping others by it. It's neccessary to recognize and allow yourself credit for these things. But also, and maybe more importantly, your baby steps. Going out to walk and taking beautiful pictures to share with us. Going to the writing group at the library and reading what you wrote even though you weren't happy with it...huge in my eyes, but maybe just great big baby steps to you. Keep trying some baby steps; they're progress in the right direction. I'd like to hear more about your history with bipolar. Being unipolar myself, I don't really understand the other pole. You don't mention much about hypomania. How often have you had that and what's it like? Is that what you've experienced when you've been in love?

    1. Thank you so much Mary. I truly appreciate your kind words. I will try and talk about my hypomania in my Saturday's post.
