Saturday, June 23, 2012

A chillaxed kind of day...

Well I didn't actually hide in bed all day, but I did sleep in. The rest of the day was spent doing various chores like laundry, washing dishes, and vacuuming. I also spent a considerable amount of time lying down - shocking I know, but as mentioned many times the back pain is ridiculous, especially after doing those chores. I also left my cell phone off, not that many people call me but I really wanted a day away from the outside world - I am sure to many that sounds stupid considering how messed up my life is, but I just needed to unplug from the world - hell I didn't even shower, gross I know and it took a lot of strength to not have one. J

My mood is a little less 'good' today. I am hoping that is just do to the dreary weather, and the fact I am not quite over the news from the surgeon. Anyway, tomorrow is our family picnic, which will make me have to socialize and get out of the house. Perhaps that change will help the mood regain some ground. Monday is my next rTMS treatment, so at least I don't have long to wait for a top up.

Hopefully thanks to the picnic I will have something more to write about, until then peace out...

Talk to y'all tomorrow... 

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