Thursday, June 14, 2012

A pleasant day...

I had my rTMS treatment this morning and it went well. Came home had my breakfast, and about an hour or so later I was wiped out and ended up back in bed. The only side effect I seem to get from the treatment is the feeling of exhaustion about two hours post treatment.

Then my son and I went to my mom's house, where we met up with my daughter and ex-wife for Chinese food. My daughter doesn't live in Calgary, so I don't get to see her very often. It was a nice evening - albeit short. Better to have a short visit than no visit at all. It really was a nice evening.

Then my son and I came home, and he made me play some damn video game Skyrim (I think is the name)... So I wasted a couple of hours on that. I try and not play video games, as I tend to start and not realize how quickly time passes. Anyway, it gives him and I something to talk about and some common interests to share.

Anyway, my back is killing me, and I am extremely tired - tomorrow I am going to help my friend, and looking forward to a good weekend. I once again made no plans, which history has shown to be a bad move - but tomorrow night we are going to my mom's for leftover Chinese, and then who knows what the rest of the weekend will hold (probably not much)...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...


  1. I'm a Primary teacher and finding resourses I found those pictures of that family. I don't know if they are yours or you took them randomly, but how DIFFICULT is to teach in equality of gender when you so many pictures in which the woman does everything related to housekeeping while the man awaits. So disappointing.

  2. Resources, sorry
