Sunday, June 17, 2012

What is this three or four days in a row of a 'good' mood..? Sweet!

Had a really good day, excluding back troubles, but mood wise all roses. I slept in, as you know one of my favorite things to do - as explained before, the longer I get to stay in bed the more totalled up broken hours of sleep... Anyway, that was followed by a leisure afternoon of lying on the couch wishing my back pain was gone, as I watched the beautiful sunny day through the window. My back is really bad today, I'm finding even lying down painful, usually my only relief.

Then we went for leftover Chinese food at my mom's, even extreme back pain can't keep me from Chinese food. It was nice. I got to see my mommy and strangely my ex-wife again - but still a nice evening. I would like to spend more time with my mom, but since I moved she seems so far away. Terrible and ridiculous excuse, we should just make time to get together. The food was very good too...

When we got home I had to head straight for my bed and the heating pad, as I thought I was going to die from the pain. It really is ridiculous. After about 30 minutes, (my son decided to mow the lawn, while I rested - what an awesome kid), he asked if I wanted to play Rock Band. I was not so sure I could sit for that but I laid out the recliner love seat till it was basically flat and attempted (poorly) to sing. We had a blast. An awesome way to end a very good Saturday...

As they say, tomorrow is another day - hopefully another good one, with a continued lightened mood! Bye bye darkness, hello good times. Damn I sure hope this LASTS!!!!

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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