Sunday, June 24, 2012

A pleasurable Sunday...

The family picnic was very nice, got to reconnect with extended family, and my brother and 2 of my 3 sisters, plus some of their children and their children's children. J It was a pretty good turnout especially for my immediate family, even my son attended.  It was a good potluck meal as always. My son and I made KFC. My aunt made her famous potato salad, very tasty. There was also a nice selection of desserts. 

Then the rain stopped and we were able to go outside and visit. All would have been super great, if not for my damn back, but excluding that it was a great success. Everyone seemed to have a nice time. I took a few, very few, pictures. They are the photos posted here. The creek was actually a river thanks to all the rain... I noticed the bench there dedicated to my grandparents desperately needs to be sanded and recoated - something we need to do sooner than later. Once the weather clears up, we will have to make that effort.

When we got home I went straight to bed with the heating pad, I can barely move. My sister gave me some medicinal gel (Voltaren) to try for the pain. So far no relief, but I have only tried it once so far. I really want to take some pain medication, I am fighting back tears the pain is so excruciating. Whatever, my mood is still OK, not as good as it was a few days ago, but not as bad as it was before. Still no suicidal thoughts, so bonus...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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