Friday, June 22, 2012

Sad not depressed...

Spoke to the surgeon's office today, only to discover that since my MRI didn't show anything "substantial", they have prioritized my appointment for November. When I explained that the pain is excruciating and I can barely walk. I was told, "You can always go into the emergency department, not that I can guarantee they will do anything, but I will let you know if there are any cancellations." Fuc#ing surgeon!!!!! 

So mood was good then dipped pretty low, but really it's still OK - no suicidal stuff... Just feeling down, like I am sure anyone would, thanks to the word from the surgeon. Anyway, spent the day helping my friend find some lost items - so that part of the day was met with success.

I wish I had more to tell you, but alas I do not. Tomorrow I plan on hiding in bed - for many reasons including pain, and being upset about my back. I am hoping I can get my new family doctor to refer me to Caleo Health It is a spine clinic here in Calgary that my friend was told about... I have an appointment next week with the family doctor, so first I have to bring him up to speed about what is going on since I haven't seen him since all this started, and then see if he will refer me. I was also thinking of getting my pdoc to write a letter to the surgeon to let him know the back issue is effecting my treatments. The nurse/doctor at my pdoc's office also said she had a friend that is a surgeon, so maybe when she gets back from her trip she can pull some strings.

So really there is some hope, I should really just take a chill pill and calm down... but it just hurts so damn much... Hey who cares remember the fact that you don't have any more suicidal thoughts - celebrate!!!!

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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