Thursday, June 28, 2012

What was this like my hundredth rTMS maintenance treatment???

I am just hoping my pdoc can live with this new schedule he initiated - that being two treatments one week, followed by one the next week - so far it is actually working... My mood is holding, I just need to work on my socializing - or lack thereof- and my motivation - or lack thereof... J

I went for my treatment this morning, and came home did the usual eat breakfast and end up back in bed thanks to the exhaustion of both the treatment and the fact I didn't get any sleep last night - literally only a few hours of broken sleep. Of course although I went back to bed, and could not keep my eyes open, I could not sleep... ugh Hoping to go to bed early tonight, as I have a full day tomorrow - although my son has decided we should play Rock Band before we go to bed...

The treatment went well this morning, it was another new nurse - but he seemed to find the proper location and did test my threshold to make sure the settings were still correct - so all is well. I actually felt a bit of a charge about three or four hours after my treatment, and still feel pretty good at writing this post. Hopefully this will be a good long weekend. I sadly have no plans - as usual - but perhaps my son and I can do something. I should fill up the propane tank and invite my mom over for a bbq - hmmm??? We shall see, like I said tomorrow is a full day so not sure I would be able to get it filled and I bet there will be a line up of people on the weekend... ugh times two. Anyway, I best end it there or my early night will be anything but...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Your other favourite sisterJune 29, 2012 at 3:36 PM

    It is your birthday weekend you better do something. We are actually busy on the first but free any other day this weekend.
