Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day....

I had a great Father's Day, a bit slow to start - slept in and ate breakfast alone, as my son slept in even longer. Had a nice conversation with my daughter, after we played some telephone tag.

Then this evening my son and I went out for a lovely, albeit expensive, dinner just the two of us. We had some good conversation, and a really nice time. Then we went to a movie - he was not too thrilled by that, but he offered... J We went to the late showing of The Avengers - hence the lateness and brevity of this post. The movie was excellent, I highly recommend it - and my son said it was the best movie of all time. PS don't rush out of the theatre, right away, watch the credits...

Well that is all for now, as I really need to get to bed. My mood is still holding. I think this might be a record. I am wondering if weaning off of the Saphris is helping??? I am on only one pill a day for tonight and tomorrow and then I am completely off them. It would be great if being off a pill helped for a change. Next rTMS treatment isn't until Wednesday, but fingers crossed this feeling good lasts...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...


  1. Dan,

    So today was my GF first full day of TMS and for the most part it went pretty good. It was about 10 mins per session for 5 sessions with a 2 hour break between each of them. 5 mins on the left side, 5 mins of the right. Between each TMS click interval they raised the intensity by 2% until they reached her threshold of 57% by the end of the day. So far no headaches either, Woo Hoo!

    Talking to another patient in the waiting room, she began to experience TMS working after about 3-4 weeks of treatment like what you said.

    I guess my concern is that from what I've read, most patients do the 37 mins session once per day for 5 days. How are your sessions scheduled?


    1. Hi Kevin:
      That is really strange. My pdoc went for a 'class' for lack of a better word at Harvard about rTMS and his process is way different from that. I only get it on the left side and it takes between 20 and 30 mins. My threshold is actually quite high at about 80%. Initially I went once per day (20 to 30mins) for 5 days per week for a total of 20 days. I know some docs now go beyond the 20 days to maybe 30 days (6 weeks). But if the other patient had success with that treatment schedule your girlfriend probably will too... Hopefully I get to see my pdoc on Wed and I will ask him, and I'll post what he tells me. I am looking forward to hearing more about your girlfriends success... Dan
