Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Canada Day long weekend people...

Had a great start to the long weekend, I got an early birthday present from a generous friend. What you ask? You did ask, right? Yeah anyway even if you didn't, I got my first Apple product - an iPad... Yes I said I was given an iPad, a most generous gift. Now I just need to learn how to use it - I am pretty sure I am up for the challenge. J

Had a very good day. My mood is holding strong I can 'almost' use the H word... For the first time in almost forever I kind of almost feel 'happy'. I am scared to put it in print, I don't want to jinx it, but I feel pretty good. I am still struggling with the anxiety and drive, as mentioned in other posts, but it's nice to have a good mood. One step at a time...

I didn't have any plans for the weekend, but I spoke to my mom today and I guess we are having my birthday supper, at my house, on Sunday, lol. So tomorrow I will get the house cleaned and fill the propane tank. Hopefully the gas station up the hill has that switch out the tank program - I think it would probably be cheaper to go get it filled at Coop, but the only one I know for sure fills them is way up in Glenbrook - blah on lots of driving...

So I hope everyone has an awesome and safe long weekend...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...


  1. Your other favourite sisterJune 30, 2012 at 3:51 PM

    We hope you have a great birthday tomorrow. Unfortunately we have tickets to Jersey Boys so I can't crash your birthday dinner.
