Monday, June 4, 2012

Singing the blues...

Not really, as I can't sing, but I am still feeling very melancholy. It's not a deep depression, the tears aren't flowing, but I am still feeling very low. Suicidal thoughts have been fewer and farther between, so something to be thankful for...

Tomorrow is my rTMS treatment, and I am not sure if I should ask for a second treatment for this week or if I should still wait another week and see what happens. Perhaps I will get a lift after the treatment tomorrow. Perhaps I will feel better. Perhaps pigs will fly... Such a pain, such a worrisome pain...

I spent the day out of the house helping a friend... I enjoy helping, and wish I could do more - but my mood keeps trying to get in the way.

F#$% people I have had ENOUGH of this shit. How can I get off this ride? Perhaps the Teacups would be more my speed...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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