Sunday, June 10, 2012

Even Briefer...

Mood the same... Still with hints of suicidal thoughts - too many to count.

Sleep was terrible, even with copious amounts of drugs.

My son and I took my mom and sister supper, visited for a while but had to leave earlier than expected thanks to my son's concussive symptoms - I sure hope my mom doesn't get a concussion, they are terrible.

Sorry that's all I have - I just want to crawl into a dark hole and turn everything off - referring mostly to my mind. My sister mentioned I should be asking my pdoc about medications that help with 'shutting down' your mind at night, but I forgot to ask her for examples and have had no luck Googling any. I think I would like to try whatever the hell they are at night and take Ritalin in the morning. Perhaps I will get shit done, and be tired by the end of the day. My pdoc mentioned they sometimes prescribe such a thing... Maybe I will mention it to him tomorrow, when I go for my rTMS treatment!!!

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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