Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A full day...

I spent the day helping my friend, not sure I was much help - may have made more of a mess then done anything else. J

Then I went and picked up my son from his appointment, then spent the next HOUR in traffic - to drive what would normally be about 15 minutes. We did some exciting grocery shopping (and picked up some drugs - nothing good mind you), followed by me getting him a video game that he has been wanting. I figured with all the help he has been since my back issue, I really owed him. Once I got home I headed to bed with the heating pad (not that it makes the pain go away, but laying down does give a little relief - not completely, but a little)...

My mood has been holding at good, I guess. Still no suicidal thoughts - crazy must be at a huge record for number of days without those. We have an appointment with our new family doctor tomorrow. As I am sure I have mentioned before I need to bring him up to speed on my back and see if he will refer me to that spine clinic. I have no idea what his thoughts might be on the subject, but I am unsure of how I will survive this pain through to November. Not only that, but the November appointment with the surgeon is only a consultation - there is no guarantee they will even do anything... Not sure if the surgeon just thinks I am making this shit up, or they are seriously backlogged.

Well I will hopefully have some good news following the appointment tomorrow - if not L

Talk to y'all tomorrow...


  1. Dan,

    So my GF finished her 5 days of treatment last friday. Like I said in my previous comments I have noticed her anxiety go way down, but now I feel like the depression is weighing her down now. I'm not quick to make a judgement of TMS since from all the people I've talked to the magic number seems to be around the 3 week mark. My guess is the brain needs time to heal itself and it's not something that happens within a week. I'll keep you posted.

    Good to hear that your suicidal thoughts aren't bothering you and that your general mood is still holding, my GF is plagued with negative thoughts right now. Any tips for her to get through those bad thoughts?


    1. Hey Kevin good to hear about your GF's decrease in anxiety, and very sorry about her having to deal with those evil negative thoughts. And yes you are right hang in there for a little while longer, and I am sure you will both be pleasantly surprised.

      As for advice tell her to keep SHARING the bad thoughts! I know it's hard for her to share them and maybe even harder for you to hear them, but I have noticed that by sharing all of this on my blog it actually kind of helped - just getting them out. I know I got to a point where I found it hard to share with people close to me like my son and my mom, I felt like I was boring them so it is important for you to acknowledge how important it is for you to hear. I don't know about her but for me the thoughts seemed to be worse at night. So if you just keep checking in with her I know you can both make these next couple of weeks fly by and come out at the other side in a much better place. I hope that helps. Thank you for updating me, I really appreciate it. Dan
