Saturday, June 30, 2012

House clean, new propane tank purchased and filled. A boring, but somewhat accomplished day...

So I have to admit I basically did most of the cleaning over the past hour - not sure what I did the rest of the day, except feel bad about how beautiful the day was and I was wasting it sitting in the house. Regardless the house is pretty clean now, save for some storage issues. I took one of the propane tanks to be filled only to find out it expired in 2005... So I had to buy a new one and get that filled - hello who sells new empty tanks - Coop does, just so you know... Cause I am sure everyone is clamoring to buy empty propane tanks, who wouldn't... J

My mood is good, holding steady, although my son was concerned that I am fidgety, and wondered if I was touching on manic. I don't think I am. Life doesn't seem to be all rainbows and unicorns, and I don't feel like I could take on the world. Really though it is something we need to watch since I am not really on much medication, and as good as mania can feel it is very damaging to your brain - which sucks. I think we will know by way of my motivation - if I start to want to take on lots of stuff - which I am sure you all know by now is way out of character - then we should be concerned... J

Tomorrow is July first Canada Day and more importantly my birthday - I am wondering, if I stay in bed all day does that mean I don't have to count this birthday??? I think I have had enough birthdays. I don't feel old, but my birth certificate says otherwise. So if the saying is true 'you're only as old as you feel' then I am twelve so suck it! That is of course if you are talking mentality, physically I feel about 80...

I think I am going to go hang out with my son for a bit, not sure what we will do perhaps some more Rock Band... J

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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