Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Still feeling good, mood wise - my back on the other hand is KILLING me...

My mood is still holding and tomorrow is my rTMS treatment, so things are looking up. I am hoping tomorrow's treatment is good, some treatments don't always seem to work the same as others. Fingers crossed for a good one, and to a whole hell of a lot more good mood days...

I called the surgeon's office today, as I just can't take the back pain anymore, but all I got was an answering machine. I left a message asking them to call and let me know where I stand. I am so trying to stay away from pain meds, as they always destroy my mood but too much more of this pain and I might not have a choice.

Last night was my last Saphris, so hopefully the next couple of days won't include any withdrawals. I am pretty sure since I gradually reduced the dosage over the past three weeks all should be good. I still give Saphris two thumbs up, as far as antipsychotics go. I really had no side effects, and very minimal weight gain. I would still recommend it to people. I guess I really don't have anything else to share, and sitting at the computer is really killing my back...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...


  1. Dan,

    Regarding your back, I myself had some pretty terrible back problems at one point. I couldn't figure it out nor did I want to be put on meds for it. I eventually solved it by removing the bed frame which seemed to have warped causing me to sleep in weird positions I wasn't accustomed to.

    The other thing I did was purchase the massage device called Dr. Ho's (http://www.drhonow.com/). It did provide much needed relief and it's something you can have on you while you're out and about since the device is so small. Not sure if this will help but maybe it might.


  2. That does not sound comfortable at all... :) I actually do have a device similar to the Dr Ho, they gave it to me when I was at NIH. But when I had my second back surgery the doctor did mention (before they knew I had an infection at the surgical site) that if I didn't get better they would have to possibly fuse my spine at that location. I had just hoped that since I did have relief after they cleared up the infection that I was done with the back issues... I know one thing I could do to alleviate some of the pain would be to lose a pound or two hundred. But sadly I think the true issue of the pain will only be relieved by another surgery. Thank you for the reminder about the Dr Ho device though, as I forgot about using it - I think I will search for it tomorrow and give it another try... Dan
