Sunday, January 22, 2012

Break 2, End of Week 2 – What might week 3 hold for the wearied traveler – wait I mean me

Well my day off wasn’t a complete waste. Although I slept in (meaning laid in bed tossing and turning past when I should have gotten up)… I went out and got a couple of errands done – prescription filled for my son, and the purchase and replacement of a windshield wiper. I know what you’re thinking, ‘wow’ ‘amazing’ ‘incredible’ – get off me (as my son would say) small things to you are HUGE things to me J

Me and my Grandma (and Chico the dog)

But to make the day actually have some true worth, I was able to help a friend out today (in a very small way, but still it is nice to help people). Then I cooked a boring supper, did some laundry, called my father, watered the plants, and am now wondering what the heck happened to me… kidding  Thank goodness for auto-pilot. I wouldn’t get anything done if it wasn’t for turning off the grey matter, and just going through the motions.

Anyway, things were accomplished and I am hopefully ready for a new week… this is potentially the last weekend of ‘unhealthy Dan’s’ existence. I am sorry.  I am not sure if you noticed, but I am extremely sentimental. I dread and hate the end of things. Parties, holidays, people, special events - the anxiety, and the excitement build leading up to whatever it is, and then the thing happens, and when it is over I am so lost. I am strangely feeling that now, with the lasts of this and that for ‘unhealthy’ but familiar ‘Dan’. Although I should be overjoyed about the end of ‘unhealthy Dan’, I still have the fear of loss, and I guess I am also afraid of whom ‘healthy Dan’ might be.

I only had the pleasure of being ‘healthy Dan’ for less than a week, over a year ago.  I don’t know him, or how to be him. What if he is a complete dink? Hell more importantly what if he doesn’t show up?

I have zillions of years practice, and acquaintance with ‘unhealthy Dan’; even IF this treatment works, I have a lot of work to do to put my life back in order. I realize this is something I should not even be pondering, as obviously my thoughts and beliefs are still tainted by my messed up brain. My mind is just on overdrive, bouncing from this to that. I wish I could shut it off for a little while, and just veg. 

The Rocky Mountains less than an hour west of where I live

So…… let’s say this treatment does work – yes let’s try and stay in the positive (I will pretend it is a narrative and not me). So the treatment works for ‘Dan’, I think he should have a small social gathering to celebrate – what do you think? Nothing big or fancy (frankly this Dan or narrative Dan have NO money), but some little function with cake J You just have to have cake at a celebration… Well let’s put that on the back burner, and get through this week shall we……………….

Tomorrow is another day, ugh… one foot in front of the other, one day at a time, and all those other annoying things people say to you when life is sucking!!!!!

Bow Valley Provincial Park, Many Springs Trail

Talk to y’all tomorrow!

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