Monday, January 9, 2012

A Day in the Life of “unhealthy Dan”…

It’s morning.  I know this because the sun is trying, with all its might, to cast its cheery glow through the curtains in my room… It’s been a night like every night. I fell asleep, probably, around 3 or 4am. I woke at 5 or 5:30am, slept again till 6 or so, and didn’t doze again until 7am. I maybe slept until 7:45 or 8am, and so it goes. I fight to sleep off and on, and off some more – but I can’t get out of bed, I am so tired, and really what’s the point. I have nothing to do, nowhere to be, no reason to get up, or get dressed, or anything. I try to block out the world by hiding under my pillows and comforter.  I try and hide from the sunlight and my thoughts – my mind loves to race with stupid sad ugly thoughts – on and on and on and on. Tired of tossing and turning, and because our dog needs to pee (me too), I drag my sorry ass out of bed – sometimes around 11, or 12, or 1 or 2 or………………

Up – now what? Have a coffee? Sure. Have a piece of toast? Why not? Then what?

Check Facebook, check email, check Twitter, ugh…

Sometimes, thanks to my son, I may have to drag my butt out of the house, to take him here or there. Having him here full-time also forces me off the couch to cook a meal (if one can call my culinary attempts, meals)…

Hide in TV-land, its safe and easy – and the way I spend most of my days. My preference is to just sit on the couch and get lost in a movie, or one of the hundreds of TV shows I watch weekly. It just seems better to live life through the characters…

Finally it’s midnight – nothing accomplished and another day lost…

When I look out at the darkness I long for the sunshine, and when the sun shines I feel sadness for missing out, for not going out and enjoying it…….

Tonight is the first night without sleeping medication. I have been decreasing the dosage for the past 3 weeks, so hopefully it won’t be too painful. Tomorrow is the scheduling and preparation appointment with my psychiatrist – excited terror is what I am feeling – but hopefully soon all of this suffering and darkness will all be but a faded memory-------

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