Friday, January 27, 2012

Treatment #14 – Say what? Yep 14 already…………

Well the treatments seem to be going well. I must admit I feel a little ‘different’. I am being apprehensive on speaking too positive, as I do not want to jinx any success.

But I feel comfortable in saying that I do NOT feel ‘happy’, yet. I have NOT noticed an increase in ‘motivation', but I have noticed a decrease in the suicidal thoughts (not completely gone, I actually had a little attack of such a few minutes ago. Thinking of my failed life, and realizing that at my age I will probably never have a great career, never own a house. I will have a terrible ‘retirement’ age, as I will never have enough money to survive - all in all not much point). But let’s try and put that aside for a minute – we are closing on treatment number 15 – and with any luck, and some determination (he says rolling his eyes) perhaps this weekend will see an increase in mood.

I am still really fighting with sleeping issues – and I am worried that the lack of sleep will/is negatively effecting the treatment…… we will see. But ‘beep’, I am so very TIRED…………….

I also have to say my son thinks I am becoming less dumb – I have to admit I do feel a little less foggy….

Well I once again must apologize for the lack of interesting info in this post. I had to take my son to drumming lessons, and then an evil grocery shopping trip to Wal-Mart – UGH…

Anyway, treatment 15 tomorrow, and then I have the weekend off from treatments…

- check out the boring read behind this pic

Here are some more interesting websites:

Talk to y’all tomorrow….

1 comment:

  1. You must be crazy if you went shopping at Walmart......... LoL
