Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Know You are All Waiting with Bated Breath to Hear About Today (2 sleeps to treatment)…

So I met with my psychiatrist today, and the doctor/nurse that will also be administering treatments. I was there for about an hour. I filled out paperwork (a patient info form – like meds, other ailments, etc), a consent form, and a mood evaluation test (the plan is to fill one out before, in the middle, and after the completion of the initial 20 day treatment protocol).  I forgot to get my score. I will do so at the next appointment, so I can post the results of all three tests, as another means of monitoring the ‘progress’ of the treatments.

They also did all of the ‘mapping’ or measurements of my head – they take the measurement from the top of the bridge of your nose, to the back of your head just above your neck (they then draw a line connecting both – thank goodness for the cap), they then measure from the top of your left ear to the top of your right ear (they then draw another line connecting them), this is followed by a couple of other measurements and lines and X’s from where the two lines intersect (I think it is 5cms from one line and 6cms from the other (might be 4 and 5cms) anyway this gives them the treatment ‘sweet spot’).

The next step was to determine my motor threshold (I think I explained this in a past blog), I forgot to get that number too. I will hopefully get it next time.

All of that now complete, I was given the commencement date for my treatments that being the afternoon of Wednesday, January 11th.

Strangely by the time I left the appointment I actually felt extremely low – one of those lows where I feel like I am outside of my body, watching the events of my life unfold. It kind of started 3/4s of the way through my appointment and progressively got worse, I can’t really explain the feeling. I just feel wrong – like everything is fake, and I am not really there (wow, padded cell here I comeJ) – I think my pdoc and I spoke of it before, and he had some awesome medical term for it, but I cannot remember what it was… anyway, a few hours later it passed, and everything just went back to shitty, instead of shitty and weird___

So it looks like I will have a treatment on Wednesday, then one on Thursday, and another on Friday. My pdoc mentioned that he may come in on Saturday, just to do my treatment, but he will let me know on Friday. I hope he does, as I am concerned about only having three treatments and then taking two days off. I am not sure if that will completely screw up the 20 day initial treatment phase, I guess we will see…

I got absolutely no sleep last night (maybe two hours of broken sleep in total), as no more sleeping meds. I am completely wiped out, but not sleepy enough to fall asleep. I may increase my melatonin dose to see if that helps, but I will wait a couple of days to see what happens – a little sleeping pill detox…

I am going to ask the doctors if I can take a picture of the machine, the room, and maybe the cap (not with me in it) – just so everyone has some form of a reference to what I am talking about. I guess we will have to wait and see what they say.

Until next time internet world, this is ‘unhealthy Dan’ signing off. (Seriously people I need a signoff phrase)…………………….

Here are some famous ones: (you get to figure out the individual whose signoff it is)
1. "And that's the way it is."
2. "Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow."
3. "Bye-bye."
4. "Take care of yourself, and each other."
5. "Glad we could get together."
6. "Good night and good news."
7. "Good day."
8. "That's the news, and I am outta here."
9. "Good day and may the good news be yours."
10. "See you on the radio."
11. "Good night and watch out."
12. "And so it goes."
13. "That's my story and I'm sticking to it."
14. "Good night and good luck."
15. "Stay classy, San Diego."

 I will give you the answers in tomorrow’s blog. If you want to guess, put your answers in the comment section.

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