Friday, March 9, 2012

A good night had by ALL…. (well hopefully all) SEX SEX SEX SEX

*disclaimer - although sex is mentioned in the title of this post, there is no actual reference to sex (boom!) You might as well read it anyway...

My son got discharged from the hospital today. We got home around 4pm, and had a great evening (one of the best in many years). Basically from 4 to 9pm (minus a couple of hours for supper), he ‘tried’ to teach me how to play the guitar. I am not completely a lost cause, but I am pretty sure we will need many, many more nights of lessons J. It was awesome to just hang out and enjoy each other’s company, and he is a very patient and good teacher…  He has picked up so much in the little time he has owned his guitar. He was able to play lots while in the hospital, which helped pass the time and has given him a new passion.

I am feeling pretty good, I had a couple of sudden down swings, but they were short lived. Also had one blip of a suicidal ideation, but again it came and went very quickly…

I really need to get on the government to cover rTMS treatments under Alberta Health… People need to try this therapy, and as much as I want my pdoc to make lots of money I need everyone to have access!!!! Which means I NEED TO WRITE THOSE DARN LETTERS to the government ugh…

Dear Premier Cover the damn rTMS treatments. Sincerely Dan

Boom done! Ya Not so much. Perhaps I will try and get them done this weekend.

So I have been thinking that since my blogs have been getting pretty lame, (not that they weren’t lame to begin with) but MORE lame, that I should probably shift to a weekly blog instead of daily – Anyone have an opinion on that??????

Please comment on this post which you would prefer. Just simply type Daily or Weekly, if you have any other suggestions please share them as well…

Talk to y’all tomorrow…


  1. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daily! Daily! Daily! You have become apart of my everyday! You can't change that, you wouldn't do that to me! Would you Dan? lol

  2. I enjoy daily, even if I don't get the chance to read it daily. I also would still like the rest of my questions/suggestions answered. If you need a re-cap, let me know.
