Monday, March 12, 2012

I couldn't make a decision to save my life…. Daily it is (for now lol).

Well another couple of people suggested my daily blog has been a good thing, so so so so… so I am not sure J Perhaps I will keep up the daily blog until everyone stops reading it --- that does not mean I want you to stop reading it………. J

PS Before I forget people asked, “How do I comment on your blog?” I thought the answer was easy and you just needed to click on the word ‘comment’ at the bottom of each post, however, I guess it is not that easy – I am not sure how to fix it. It was mentioned to me that you may need a gmail account to sign in… anyway I am sorry about that for both of us, as I would have loved more comments (all positive of course ;) ).

I had a pretty good day. I got a lot done on my letters to the government. I still need some information about ECT costs before I can finish them, which I am finding difficult to find. I am hoping my doctor can provide some of the information when they get back from Harvard. I also got a bunch of cleaning done in the office/spare room – it is still a total disaster, but a little better. I also played Rock Band with Aden!

Mood has been very good as well… I increased my new medication last night, now taking 10mg of Saphris. Sleep has improved, and I still get up in the morning – you have no idea how crazy it is and feels. I realize my morning and your morning are probably not the same, but my 10AM is so huge. Like I mentioned before, I wouldn’t have been able to get up before 1 or 2pm.

Now if I could just get energized.

My next big hurdle (well after I finish my letters, and the office/spare bedroom, and the basement kitchen), I want to WRITE my Zombie Movie!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

So I guess PEOPLE….



  1. Erin (happy you picked daily) CrookMarch 12, 2012 at 12:35 AM

    YES!! DAILY is a GREAT choice! *happy dance* also: if you click comment on this post and then pick "name\URL" you can just type your name in, no need for a google account. That's how I am doing these? So maybe that helps others who wernt sure!

  2. I believe that some of our relatives are commenting challenged. Maybe if you don't want to do everyday go every other day or Mon, Weds, Fri, etc etc
