Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring brings colour, sunshine, and life; washing away the glum and dreary winter…

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Cheers to ALL – been a pretty good day. I got some more of the spare room/office cleaned out (I am not a hoarder, but working on this room makes me question that).  I also helped out a friend.  Although I did have a period where I seemed to walk aimlessly around the house, thinking I should be doing something but not knowing what it was, and then thinking I needed to be somewhere but having no idea where…????? I really do hate that feeling. I think part of it was the fact I hadn’t left the house for three days. That is way too long to be cooped up.

My son had a very good day as well, which also helps in making things lighter and brighter.

I don’t want to jinx it, but I think this new pill might actually be helping to extend the positive results from the rTMS – here is hoping!!! So far easier to get up in the morning, sleeping a bit better, and actually tired at night (not enjoying the tired at night around 10:30/11pm – I have shit to do before bed I am use to being wide awake until my sleeping pill knocked me out, this is going to take some getting used to – normal hmmmm)…

So we heard today our family doctor is retiring. We did have a little heads up, but still it will be a pain in the butt finding someone and then bringing them up to speed on my weirdoness. I also think it sucks that we have to pay $84 for a copy of our files. I will have to pay for mine and my son’s that is a lot of money for me right now.

Anyway, I am going to hit the proverbial hay…

Talk to y’all tomorrow…

1 comment:

  1. I am so HAPPY that the pill is helping!!!!!! Yes, it does suck for us to have to find a new doctor. We have been very lucky to have had Dr. Wheeler as he is one in a million!

    Thanks for helping me post my comment.
