Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A New Drug and a New Day…. rTMS makes me feel good, but doesn’t seem to hold…

Well kids…. The day started with me actually getting out of bed, wait for it… at 10am. I could not sleep (shocking I know). I literally woke up every 10 to 15 minutes ALL night. I kept dreaming about something strange that I can’t totally remember.  I would wake up confused and thinking there was something I was suppose to remember, but what I was thinking was false….. It was so confusing, and frustrating as hell.

In the morning I was still feeling low – and kind of lost. Like I was supposed to be doing something, but unsure of what it was. I eventually got ready and went to get my maintenance rTMS treatment, and once again shortly after the treatment I felt better. My pdoc has also given me a new drug, literally a NEW drug. Hard to believe, but someone finally came out with a new mental health medication. It’s called SAPHRIS (aka Asenapine). It’s a new antipsychotic, and the company has given my psychiatrist the OK to try it on 5 patients. It’s not an experimental drug, but it’s so new that the 5 patients will be monitored by the drug company to see if there are any side effects, and successes. My pdoc tried it on another patient who has trouble with medications, and she noticed a difference in two weeks. I have to say my pdoc is awesome, and very invested in my health. He has many patients that would probably benefit from this medication, and yet he gave it to me. He is a good man, and now also has a really good team too…

I start the new drug tonight – so here is hoping that it helps stretch out the positive results from the rTMS. I am not sure why the effects seem to be wearing off so quickly. Also my pdoc decided to do three rTMS treatments this week in anticipation of having none next week.

My car window is still not working – so my trip to my pdoc was frickin COLD. Then this afternoon when I was going to see my son, and going to help my friend I used a dry-cleaning bag to cover the hole – it sucked – not as cold, but deafening noise… Hopefully I will get it sorted out tomorrow.

Our spring weather is being ridiculous (Here are some pics I took today).

  I am not sure where we are at, in way of centimeters of snow, but I am sure it is way more than 15. It’s only like -7c, so it is melting and causing even more trouble on the roads. PS If you are moving to Calgary, anyone from anywhere, DO NOT drive until you have had lessons driving in the snow – this even goes for people from other parts of Canada that already drive in snow. My throat hurts from yelling at everyone to get going, get off the road, or at least get out of my way.

I hope I don’t have to drive so much tomorrow – but I do need to go to the bank for my evil landlord (who if reading this needs to get the money from me ASAP, as the two bills are due), hopefully get my window fixed, and go see my son. I went today to see him but he was at a group thing, so I didn’t get to see him. No big deal, sometimes I feel like I am boring the crap out of him when I visit J L

I guess I should prepare for bed, I have no idea what my initial reaction to the new pill will be, so I would like to be in bed ready to go to sleep when I take it. Hopefully, when we talk again it will be all good news I report about this drug (oh please, oh please)…

Talk to y’all tomorrow…

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