Thursday, March 1, 2012

Would love a vodka paralyzer….. just saying

Well my hopes of waking in a better mood were shattered. I woke up just as depressed as when I went to bed. I got very little sleep, as I have run out of melatonin, and since it was the night before a treatment no Zopiclone.  

With some effort I dragged my ass out of bed, and went to get my treatment. At which I told my poor disappointed pdoc the sad news about me being sad. Got my treatment, came home had breakfast/lunch then went and saw my son. I had a great visit, and realized that after the treatment I felt lighter again…. Yippy!

So what does that mean? How much stimulation does my brain require to function? At $250 a treatment, I could never afford to go multiple times a week, let alone once per week……………………. 

My pdoc will be asking plenty of questions on his journey to Harvard in a couple of weeks – hopefully we can all benefit from his findings, or perhaps we need to do some studies on our own….hmmmm

I prefer to feel lighter – just saying.

My son gets a 6 hour pass tomorrow to see his original pdoc outside of the hospital – his appointment is at 8AM ugh… I need to get up very, very early to make it from here to the hospital and then down to his pdocs office – all during rush hour – NOT awesome.

But at least I get some additional time with the kid – perhaps McDonald’s breakfast is in order. J

Talk to y’all tomorrow…

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