Friday, March 2, 2012

Hello World… Still feeling good – but fricken tired

So the top up from my treatment yesterday is still holding……… thank goodness

Had a way too early start, but still a good day. Many things accomplished, and at writing this a few more to go, ugh…

In light of this I will be keeping this super SHORT, not because I don’t love you all, but I just can’t keep my eyes open and I still have laundry to finish.

My son has an overnight pass for tomorrow, so that should be nice. I washed his sheets and remade his bed – I think he is most excited about sleeping in his own bed.

Back to the treatment holding – I am very curious to see if it starts to wear off again. I welcome all observations on the subject. My next treatment is scheduled for Monday (I am not sure why, but they called today to change it to Monday – it’s usually on Tuesday and Thursday. After this week my pdoc is gone for a week, so I sure hope its holds…

I need to come up with questions for them to take to Harvard.

I have a couple so far: I am very curious about what other doctors do for maintenance treatment protocols? I would also like to know if other doctors do longer initial treatment phases (more than 20 days)?

If you can think of any don’t hold back….

Talk to y’all tomorrow…

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