Saturday, March 3, 2012

Up and at em mofo - and other delightful stories…

I woke this morning before my alarm went off. I just couldn't sleep any more. It was a long night of lots of dosing and waking. So I was tired, but too alert to sleep.

I got up and literally wandered around the house trying to decide what I should do. I finally resolved to eat a piece of toast and have a cup of coffee. Then I sat there and checked my email and Facebook, and rechecked my email and Facebook, and wondered what the hell am I doing, and then checked them again. I decided to have a shower in hopes I would feel more motivated to do ‘something’…

After the shower I still felt lost, I wasn’t low or anything, just kind of lost. So I settled on watching some of my PVR’d shows that are literally filling up the PVR.

Then after a few shows I felt an overwhelming need to sleep, so bad that I went back to bed. I did actually dose for a short period of time (generally unheard of for me), but then someone sent me a text. (not mentioning any names – evil landlord J) I got up…

I was very excited as well, because my son was getting out of the hospital for the night. He called and asked if I could invite his grandma to meet us for supper, very sweet. (She was very happy.) So this evening my son, his mom, my mom, and I had a lovely dinner at Tony Romas – very yummy…

My son has a terrible cough, so verbal communication is very difficult, but otherwise the dinner was good. I love going to restaurants with my son. I always have, because there is no TV, no distractions – just the two of us sitting there talking.

Well we are obviously home now. He is connecting with his friends on Xbox, and playing drums. We are on separate floors, he in the basement family room and me in the upstairs living room, but it sure is nice having him home. I hope he has a good night!!!!

I have to sadly take him back tomorrow at noon – but as long as he is getting help, and I keep getting to meet his HOT nurses then it is all for the best!

Again just want to say that the treatment recharge of Thursday is still holding. My mood has not fallen.

Still need to come up with questions for doctor to take to Harvard – I need to tell them Monday!

Talk to y’all tomorrow…

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